Chapter 7: Drama?

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Why was the main hall so bright at night? My headache was like a pounding doom and I could hardly think straight. What is the point of having crystal walls? They are just about everywhere so is it really necessary to have them in the place I am stuck in all day? I miss my office, my dark and quiet office.

I tried rubbing my forehead as I stood tall by the front entrance waiting for my nightly report. They were only five minutes late but I was still ready to kill them.

I have had a terrible day- no week! I couldn't help but think about Titan and Lily's relationship. I want to trust her, and I wish I wasn't so worried but with everything everyone is telling me I have gathered that he left because he had relationship problems with someone here and the reason the guy is still alive is because Lily liked him enough to make him immortal which says a lot. I mean, I age a lot slower than others, like Will because of my father but still, Lily and I's perspectives on time are probably entirely different.

To me our relationship means a lot, we have been together a long time and we have been through a hell of a lot. But I can't help but think about what Peter said, maybe he is right, it would make sense that a year to me is hardly a second to her. So am I just a fling? Does she feel like she owes me after the dragon arena? And now with Titan coming she is giving up on me? She has after all slept in her room all week, and she has been a smidge distant...

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. What my father would say if he knew I was loosing my mind trying to ensure the heart of the Queen of Doomsland. I suppose he would finally lose his head if he only knew we were together, or even that I cared for her.

It did take a while for him to understand why I would take this job, to work with the enemy. Although he still bluntly voices his opinion on it at least he has stopped trying to restrain me when I go to visit so I can't return here.

Oh Disney! Quickly I glanced down at my watch to get the time and realized just how late it is. Dammit, I'm going to be late for tea!

Just as the realization came to me I noticed a lanky blue haired fairy making a rush past me towards the door.

"Wilfred!" I yelled, halting him in his tracks. In the moment he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, it was almost laughable. His entire body froze as his head slowly turned to face me. As soon as he registered that it was only me his face seemed to relax and his body didn't seem so tense anymore.

"Knox..." He muttered awkwardly, glancing between the door and me.

"What are you doing?"

It seemed to take him a moment to come up with an excuse "Training for the Siren race?" Wow I do not get paid enough for this.


"Okay fine, I am going on a small trip, I do it every once in a while and the time has come so if you would excuse me, I am going to leave."

"But aren't you going to stay for that Titan guy?" I thought everyone loved that guy...

Wilfred's eyes turned sad at the name, a look many people had been giving me whenever the topic of that guy came up "Yeah I don't really want to stick around for that drama, but you know, I wish you luck, now if you wouldn't mind getting out of my way-"

"Drama? What do you mean by drama?" I interrupted. Wilfred sighed with exhaustion, staring at the door longingly.

I swear someone just needs to tell me what the problem is straight up. If I'm going to have to fight for my girl- I mean Lily, than I would like to know ahead of time.

"Well you know Titan used to-"

"General, sorry I'm late," Wilfred was interrupted yet again and I looked over to see the guard I had been waiting for. I sighed and looked back at Wilfred but he was already running out of the castle without another word.

Wow, thanks for the help.

"What's the update?" I asked, my voice coming out dull and uninterested.

"Everything is normal, you are free to take some time off for the night."

"Great thank you," With a nod I was doing exactly what Wilfred had done and made my way to the docks.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device you're using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!
Picture ^ or > is of nothing yet... Sorry
Any way,
Stay classy
TDD <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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