Chapter 5: Makes me superior

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The ball flew through the sky in a perfect spiral, it was little high but that proved to be no problem because one jump in the air and I was flying over to it, catching the ball and cradling it to my chest. Perfect!

"Okay you are right, what ever this thing is, it's fun!" Will sang from the side of the field as I tumbled onto the ground in a roll laughing hysterically.

We had been passing this American football around for about an hour well the girls had their 'bonding time'. I had picked up the ball on one of my trips to see Chloe, it looked fun so with a few trips I made it back to Neverland with the brown ball in hand.

I decided to bring it today because if the girls were having 'bonding time' they were definitely trashing us, I've known them for a long time, even if there isn't anything wrong they will find something to tell each other. So why shouldn't us guys have some good old hang out time.

"It's a football Will, learn it, play it, love it," I boasted.

A long exaggerated sigh sounded from the other side of the field and we both turned to see Knox glaring daggers at Will. What was his deal. Knox has hated Will ever since both of them came into play. Sure they have a history but Will is just as much involved now as the two of us, he really needed to lighten up.

"Why did you have to bring him?" He spited, the words coming out like poison between his teeth. He reminds me of a pirate when he is mad.

"Because right now the girls are gossiping about us and if they have stuff to talk about then we must too. I mean if you want me to start off, my wife is freaking amazing but she has this thing with flying ferrets, I don't know if my cottage of a home or a zoo!" My venting paused so I could take in a breath "All the girls are strange so you have to give me advise."

Knox looked extremely indifferent as he walked over to stand in front of me, Will had the same expression and stood at his side until both of them broke down in a stream of laughing, clutching their stomachs and wheezing like unidonkeys. Why did I think this was going to work out?

"Okay!" I yelled over their obnoxious laughter but silence didn't ensue "Hey!" This time my voice was strong and as intimidating as it could, finally they stopped, their eyes widening at my reaction "Listen here you scallywags! I may be younger than you but I am a hell of a lot older so take me seriously!"

They both rolled their eyes but they still stayed quiet, only a smile stretched across their annoying faces "You two are helpless, I'm sure you don't even know them well enough yet anyway," This was just a big waste of time.

"Woah," Will looked completely offended by my statement, it was almost laughable "I know Athena very well, we talk all the time, I mean that's all we can really do with Knox's dogs always sniffing around."

Knox scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, he looked about ready to make some snide comment that would get a fight going but I gave him a really pointed look to urge him to keep his trap shut and turned back to Will.

"Really you think you know her just so well huh?" I laughed and looked around at the surrounding forest to gather dramatic effect, I lived for these moments "How old is she?"

Will smiled smugly "She is twenty-two, genius."

He really is a scallywag "No genius, her real age."

His eyes widened about ten sizes and he quickly backed down, knew it.

Knox started laughing, where does he get off doing that? "What is Lily's real age?"

To say that shut him up would be an understatement but instead of making him quiet it just pissed him off "Sorry if that isn't the primary topic of our conversations but at least Lily doesn't house a bunch of rodents that smell like a dead rotting Siren. Not to mention she doesn't have her head up in the clouds all day!"

"Actually she does, Athena told me she sleeps up there."

If looks could kill Will would already be six feet under.

"Okay all those things you see as bad about Chloe, I love! At least I get to be completely sure she feels the same way," My my this boy has quite the temper, my remark seems to have ticked him off even more.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Peter you need to calm down, take a break,"

"Seriously Will, you're going to try and baby me?"

"Peter it's just that you're younger so it's hard to take you seriously, I-"

"Me being younger makes me superior Will."

Knox took a step forward trying to look intimidating, he knows I can fly right? He doesn't scare me "Oh people Knox, just think about. Lily has been around a long time, a day to you is hardly a second to her so what would your relationship really be worth? You too Will."

"You guys need to stop thinking you're so high and mighty. You think the relationships you have now are going to last forever? Smarten up, it took over one hundred years to marry the girl I loved. I mean, why do you think they are bringing Titan back?"

"Titan?" Will sounded, "Athena was telling me about him, it was like she was fangirling," His comment seemed to peek Knox's attention.

"Same with Lily," Knox added.

In my head I was laughing at them "Will you don't have anything to worry about... I don't think, at least on Titan's end I mean," I gave him a fake reassuring smile and his face was masked by terror.

"Wait," Knox interjected "What about Lily?"

Knox looked genuinely worried, I guess Athena was right when she said Lily was the only thing the stone faced jerk cared about. To answer the question I showed sad eyes and a slight frown, looking around for dramatic effect.

"Well everyone knows Knox..." I began, I wanted to laugh so badly in the moment but I knew that would ruin everything.

His face was priceless! Even Will looked worried for him.

"Titan coming is not just for a visit, I mean, I don't know how to tell you this but he is kind of your replacement."

The look he had almost made me want to take everything back, but the guy was a complete jerk. Don't talk trash about my wife and expect nothing of it. And I was fully prepared to not follow Athena's instructions to mess with his head when it came to Titan and Lily's relationship. This is all his fault, besides, it wasn't like I was lying.

Titan really was his replacement.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device you're using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

How do you feel about the guys point of view.

Picture ^ or > is of

Any way,

Stay classy TDD <3

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