Chapter 6: So that only leaves you

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"Hello dearies, I brought junk food, so we can troll out and talk about boys all night, though it may be a little different now that we all actually have boys," I mumble, making my way into our bedroom with a wide smile.

I notice Lily roll her eyes and Athena attempt to suppress a laugh, what?

"Chloe you didn't bring the junk food, you brought a servant that's about to fall over because of all the stuff you forced into her hands," I scrunch my eyebrows as we all look over to the dwarf that had been trailing behind me. I guess it may have been rude to ask a creature with such tiny arms to hold a mountain of treats but at the time I just wanted to see if the little guy could actually do it.

"Thank you Hobbes, you can place them on the bed and be on your way," Why does Athena have to ruin the fun?

"Another thing Chloe," My eyes moved from the dwarf as it dropped yet another package of something yummy to Lily who seemed less like herself in my eyes. Her hair was less kept than usual and her eyes a dark shade of brown, a clear sign that there was something up.

It probably had something to do with Athena's meddling in her relationship, poor Knox won't know what hit him. She is taking it so seriously she had to send a messenger to warn Peter and I and of course request our help. I'm all for messing around with the General but there is a line where Lily is concerned. Though I had to say having an enemy looked good on Athena, her hair was calm, her complexion was good, not to mention the light sparkle in her eyes.


"You're the only one who has 'boy' problems because you're the only one actually dating a boy..." She explains slowly in a logic that seemed so foreign to me. I have never understood their adult life, it's so strange.

I chose not to comment about her remark as my eyes moved to look around the room, suddenly bare of something I missed "I should have brought my ferrets..."

"No!" My sisters shriek in union, Lily jumping out of her bed and throwing her hands up for dramatic effect.

Did they not like my ferrets?

"Fine," I frown, glaring at their terrified expressions "Now fill me in on the situation, I know Athena's problem is that she has no alone time with her guy, whatever his name is,"


"Yeah that, and I know for certain that I have no relationship problems, I mean, Peter is perfect!" I laughed a little to myself and then back up to Lily, sorry sister but I fully intended to meddle with Knox, "So that only leaves you Lil."

Her body seemed to deflate as she fell back onto the bed, grabbing a pillow and wrapping her arms around it. Athena also settled in, sitting criss cross at the corner of the bed, her eyes trained on our sister. I decided to join them, jumping on and laying across the length of the bed, my head rested on a soft pillow.

"I don't know what to do, he is always at work so I never see him, apparently he doesn't think of me as his girlfriend and he hasn't told his family about me. And because I never see him, I can never really tell where he is in this relationship and- I don't know- what should I do?"

I glanced over at Athena who seemed a little down indicating that she didn't do that herself, the problems were already there.

"What are you thinking about doing?"

Lily sighed and looked down at her fingers "Athena thinks I should give him some space but I don't think that would work I mean, we kind of already have a lot of space..."

"So what else are you going to do?" It was Athena's turn to speak as she looked a little uneasy having her plan tampered with.

"Well I guess I will distance myself from him a little bit, just to see if he notices or even cares I guess but with Titan coming..."

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device you're using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

Any way,

Stay classy

TDD <3

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