Dance with me

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Everyone sat peacefully after eatting their meal. One of the dwarven company then stood up after a while brining everyone's attention.

"Why don't we play some music for our guests? Why not kill the silence with some music?" The dwarf asked with a bright smile.

No one rejected the idea but nodded. The dwarf took that as a yes so he pulled out his flute and started playing a tune which the trio did not recognise.

Ellen listen carefully to the tune the dwarf is playing, thinking how beautiful the piece is. A smile grew on her face enjoying the music as she clapped her hand to the best, her friends following. She felt two pairs of eyes staring at her but she ignored it since she had an idea who the two was causing her cheeks to warm up.

The two dwarves stared at the female dwarf in a dreamy state, thinking that she was cute. The way the fire lit up her face showing her beautiful smile. A smile that the two young dwarven males want to see everyday.

Killi sighed in a dreamy way then turned to his brother finding him in the same state. He couldn't help but feel a little anger towards his brother but he knew that Filli couldn't help it. After all Ellen is cute inside and out but boy! They are in for a surprise.

(y/n) giggled as she/clapped along with her/his friends, finding the music entertaining. She/he noticed that some of the dwarven company wanting to dance which also made her/him drag his/her friends with him/her and dance embarrassingly. But she/he managed to hold her spot and enjoy the music as he/she swayed.

Chesca saw (y/n) eagerness to get up and dance. She too wanted to get up and dance but her lack of confidence held her down. Her mind saying that she would look stupid. She shook her head wanting the thoughts to disappear. Never less she stood up tugging (y/n)'s arm with a shy smile.

(y/n) looked up at her elven friend for a moment in confusion but then smiled brightly as she/he saw her/his friend's shy smile. She/he imeadiatly stood up and dragged Chesca, like a little child excited, close to the middle of the circle causing a blush of embarrissment to bloom on her/his friend's face. (y/n) took a hold of her/his friend's hands in his/hers then started to sway.

Chesca giggled nervously as her mind screamed 'What am I doing?!' When she and her friend started to sway she started to relax.

Ellen smiled and giggled at her two friends as she watched them "dance". She couldnt help but laugh at the height difference but still found it cute. She almost shrieked when she felt two bodies sitting on either side of her. Realising who they were she tried her best to hold in her blush but knew that she was failing terribly.

Chesca giggled uncontrollably as she and her hobbit friend dance crazily causing her friend to laugh with her.

The dwarves cheered and clapped in along with the music. Many of them decided to join in with the dance but the two prince's staid put with the blushing female dwarf.

(y/n) urged her/his elvin friend to get Gandalf to join in and she did.

Chesca went up to Gandalf with a bright smile. "Come join in Gandalf! Dance with me" she said through her giggles as she held out her hand for the wizard.
The wizard smiled warmly to the female, his eyes sparkling with excitement, as he took her hand. "How can someone say no to someone pretty?" He said with a chuckle as he saw her face blush.

Chesca giggled in reply "Oh! Shush you!" She said as she took Gandalf with her to dance.

As Chesca went to get Gandalf on her own (y/n) went to get Bilbo to join him/her, wanting to break his shell.

"Bilbo!"(y/n) called as he/she spotted him causing a smile to appear on his/her lips. He/she ran up to the male hobbit with a skip then stopped in front or him. "Would you like to join me, Bilbo?" He/she asked with a kind smile, hoping that he would say yes.

Bilbo smiled back at the young hobbit then shook his head. "Sorry, (y/n). I don't really dance" he said to him/her not wanting to be rude or mean to him/her.

(y/n) pouted at him "Aw! Come on! Please!" He/she begged cupping his/her hands, making a puppy face. "Chesca said that she don't dance but look at her now" he/she said as he/she pointed where his/her friend is dancing with Gandalf, laughing as they enjoy dancing together.

Bilbo looked to where the young hobbit was pointing. The sight causing a smile to appear on his face. He sighed the looked at the young hobbit who as still making puppy eyes. "... Fine! But just one dance! " he said with a serious face then stood up causing the young hobbit to cheer. He smiled and shook his head to himself as he allowed the young hobbit to drag him to the dance floor.

Ellen smiled as she watch her friends and most of the company dance. She would stand up and join in herself but she was to scared to move from her spot due to the two young dwarven prince's on either side of her. She looked around trying to who's dancing and who's not. She stopped her gaze at the dwarven leader finding his lips twitching into a small smile. She smiled as she saw that he was happy to see his friends enjoying their time. Before she could look at what or who he was staring at she was interrupted by one of her friends calling her and the two young dwarves.

"Ellen! Filli! Killi! Come join with us! Dance with me!"

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