AN: Ideas?

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Hi guys! I'm writing this to have your opinion or basically what you want to see. (I can't really guaranty that I will put everything you want cause it will might change the story and the plot) Do you think there should be some romance in this story or just pure friendship (FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!!)

I do have some ideas myself but I am having some difficulty planing it. So if you like could you please give some suggestions and ideas for me so that it would be less difficult for me to have any ideas/inspiration. I'm also having some problems thinking about the ending. So do please give suggestions, ideas, inspiration.

And sorry for not posting for a while I have been taking final exams and still am. So please be patient. I only have 4 weeks of high school left in my life and I can't wait to get out of that place.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!

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