Getting to know one another

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Chesca sighed as she walked next to her friend, who was ridding a poney, thinking about the future. About what was to come. She frowned at the thought and memory of what the trickster said "You can't change anything unless I tell you you can" his words rang through her mind. 'But what if I want to change the story and save them' she couldn't help but think about disobeying the trickster. She was brought out of her thoughts by her friend, (y/n), calling her name. "Yes?" She replied snapping her head in (y/n)'s direction.

(y/n) looked worriedly at her/his elf friend. "I said 'Are you okay?' You seem... sad" she/he repeated with a frown, hopping that his/her friend was alright.

"I-I'm fine! Just thinking you know how I would always daydream and stuff..." Chesca replied with a forced smile, hopping that (y/n) wouldn't push it further. She didn't like lying to her friend even though she is very good at it but it doesn't mean she doesn't feel any guilt.

"You sure?" (y/n) asked. "You have those 'I'm thinking really hard now!!' face" he/she said in a worried tone earning a nod in reply.

"Veeeeeeery sure" Chesca said giving her friend a reassuring pat on the back. She turned back to focus on where she was going so that she wouldn't- "Eep!!"... trip.

The company heard the sound turning their heads to look behind them finding a clumsy elf face first on the ground with red ears.

Chesca hesitantly lifted her head up finding that all eyes were on her then shrunk back after meeting a pair of silver eyes. She quickly stood up suprised that no dirt was stuck to her face. She smiled in embarrassment as she heard laughter emitted from her friends and the company.

After a while of ridding the company decided to camp after seeing how dark its becoming. They set up a fire place and prepared their sleeping mats (?) in case they feel tired. The two brothers sat close to the trio as they watched them with curious eyes.

"I know this may sound rude" Killi started gaining the attention of the trio. "But how old are you three? You look young"

The three looked at each other for a moment until Chesca made a face letting her friends know that she got this which made her friends relax knowing that Chesca would do a great job making things up.

"We don't... precisely... know how old we are. Since we haven't celebrated our birthdays for a while" Chesca said slowly as she thought of something to cover up that she and her friends came from a different world.

"You don't celebrate your birthdays?!" Filli said in shock his brother holding the same expression as he is. "Why?!"

Chesca sighed trying to look as of she wasn't thinking or making things up. "Because of the training we go through... we don't really have time to celebrate anything until we had finished training... we haven't kept count of the number of days, months or years we have been training for so we forgotten" she said trying her best to sound as if she wasn't lying.

"But one thing for sure...before we startec training we knew who was the eldest and who was the youngest. Chesca is the oldest, Ellen is the youngest and I'm the middle" (y/n) said backing up Chesca.

The brothers nodded and looked as if they were keeping whatever information they are giving in mind. "When did you start training?" Killi asked.

"When we were little. Our people be lived that if you start training young then you will have loads of experience" Chesca explained.

"Did you ever have breaks?" Filli asked, interested in hearing more about the three.

Chesca thought for a moment making the brothers think that she was trying to remember "... Yeeees we do. Our teacher would allow us to have breaks. We would usually go and listen to one of our elven teachers and listen to her stories and listen to her song. We would also help out around the kingdom making weapons with our fellow dwarven friends and bake or cook with our hobbit friend. Oh! And we would sometimes go and play with the younglings" she said with a smile, thinking that she was doing well so far.

The brothers glanced at each other then nodded to one another before turning back to the trio. "Do any of you three have a lover?" Killi asked with a cheeky grin.

The trio looked around not wanting to answer the question thinking that it wasn't their business or that it was embarrassing. "... I don't... " Chesca said breaking the silence.

"Nope!" Ellen said after gaining confidence after her friend answered.

"I'm single and proud!!" (y/n) said with her/his chin up in pride.

Kill I'd grin widen hearing their answers. "Are you interested in someone?" He asked with his brother now holding the same cheeky grin.

"May be... " Chesca started

"... May be" Ellen followed.

"Not!" (y/n) finished.

There was a long pause of silence until Killi spoke. "Are you a-?" Before Killi could finish his question a deep gruff voice from behind them cut them off.

"Killi! Filli! That's enough!" Thorin's voice stern and angry, knowing what his nephews were going to ask were going to be inappropriate.

The two brothers jumped at the voice of their uncle causing the trio to giggle a bit at the two.

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