16. Breathless

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Chocolate Hearts
Chapter Sixteen

Even before he arrived back in Seoul, Taemin had organised a date to meet up with Jongin. Nari was free as well, so when the Sunday arrived, Jongin picked Nari up from her place and they walked to where they'd agreed to meet Taemin.

"You don't need to be nervous," Jongin said as they neared the area. Nari was chewing on her cheek, and wringing her hands in front of her. 

"I know," Nari sighed. "I'm always a little nervous before meeting people I don't know. I was a nervous wreck before I met you!" She flushed, recalling just how nervous she'd been before she'd knocked on that door. 

"And look at how well we get along now," he pointed out with a grin. Nari couldn't help but laugh back. "You two will get along fine."

She smiled. "I hope so."

They walked for a few more minutes before they finally reached the park they'd agreed to meet at. Taemin was already there, checking something on his phone and occasionally looking up. When he spotted them approaching he grinned, pocketed his phone and headed toward them.

"Kai!" he called. "You were taking so long, I thought you'd forgotten!"

Jongin rolled his eyes and accepted a hug from his best friend.

"We're only a few minutes late!" Jongin protested, but he was grinning. When the two stepped back, Jongin gestured to Nari. "Taemin, Yong Nari."

Nari smiled. "Hi," she said cheerily. "It's an honour."

"So you're the one Jongin constantly goes on about?" Taemin asked with interest. "It's nice to finally meet you."

He was holding out his hand, but Nari was frozen in place. One word had stuck in her mind and she wasn't able to focus on anything else.

"Wait. Constantly?" she squeaked. 

Jongin suddenly looked a little uncomfortable.

Taemin glanced between the two of them. "From the way Jongin was talking about you, I thought you were dating! Are you?"

"No," they both said at once, voices sharp and a pitch higher than they usually were.

"Oh." Taemin frowned, but there was a knowing glint to his eye. He turned back to Nari. "Still, it's great to meet you, Nari. "

"You as well." She finally returned his handshake, and the three of them made their way down the street, no clear direction in mind.

"Where shall we go first?" Jongin asked, scanning the shops around them.

"There's a bubble tea shop right there," Taemin said, pointing at a shop right ahead of them. "Do you like bubble tea, Nari?"

Nari grinned. "I love it."

"Right, let's go!"

They entered the small store. A few people glanced at them as they entered, but Nari ignored them as the followed the other two to a free a booth. Nari slid into a seat first, and Jongin was quick to sit beside her. Taemin looked at them with interest, but nonetheless sat opposite them.

They quickly chose their orders. Nari scanned the list, thinking of going with something a little different to her usual order, but ended up going with passion fruit, as always. Jongin and Taemin were quick to make decisions, too.

While they waited for their order to arrive, they asked Taemin what his tour had been like - Taemin went through everything. When their orders arrived, tears were forming in Nari's eyes as she laughed at every backstage story Taemin had to tell them about each of SHINee's members. Nari wiped at her eyes and took several deep breaths before she decided she was calm enough to pick up her bubble tea.

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