04. Party

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Chocolate Hearts
Chapter Four

Oh my goodness

Nari felt like time had come to a standstill. Everyone else was smiling and calling a greeting to her, but she barely heard anything over her heart, which thumped loudly and hard in her chest. It was so loud she was sure everyone else could hear it.

Being around Jongdae was one thing; he was her friend, and she'd known him before he became an idol. But now she was in a room with Exo, who she only admired from afar before, and suddenly she felt sick with sudden nerves. She definitely hadn't been planning for this to happen!

Don't be nervous, Nari! she scolded herself. They're so nice to their fans, why should you be any different?

Mustering up some courage, she smiled. "Um, hi." She lifted the cake up, cringing at how high her voice had sounded. She needed to get herself together, fast. "I bring cake." Oh lord, Nari, what was that?

If it was awkward the others must have missed it, for they grinned and let out a cry. Nari's eyes flicked between them all, recognising them all at once. She had followed them ever since their debut, since Jongdae was among them. 

Suho smiled at her. "Thank you, Nari."

"N-no problem!" Nari stammered. "I hope you all like it! Especially Kai - oh, happy birthday, by the way!" she exclaimed quickly when she saw him. He smiled back in gratitude.

Nari placed the box on the table designated for food - plates and bowls littered the table. Kai, Jongdae, and Suho helped her clear a space to fit the box on. "I should probably go now..." she mumbled.

Jongdae shook his head. "At least stay until we've eaten the cake! You baked it, so you should taste it."

Nari glanced back at the others, wondering what their reaction was, and relaxed when they were all nodding or showing signs of agreement. "Thanks."

"And besides, it would be rude to shoo away a friend of Chen's," Xiumin said.

Nari giggled, dipping her head. "So... are you ready for the cake now?"

The others agreed at once. Nari opened the box and lifted the cake out onto the table, soft exclamations coming from the others as she revealed it to them. A shiver of pride passed down Nari's spine as she stepped back, accidentally brushing against Kai as he took the position by his cake. Suho brought a lighter and lit the candles Nari had already placed on at the bakery.

The candles were soon lit and a chorus of happy birthday broke out. Nari had never been confident about her singing voice; she'd always thought her voice sounded a little scratchy and off-key, though Jongdae had always told her otherwise. Now it was mixed in with professional singers... she tried to sing softly so she wouldn't be overheard. Jongdae noticed and clapped a hand over his mouth to not laugh halfway through the song.

The cake was soon cut and being handed out to everyone. Nari found herself holding a plate of the cake she had baked herself. She was still pleased with how it looked. 

Her eyes widened. It was one of her best efforts. She couldn't stop herself attacking her cake, devouring it. She had to admit it, she had a huge sweet tooth. She'd eat sweets and chocolate all day if she could. 

The cake disappeared in a flash between Nari and the nine members, some eagerly reaching for seconds. Several of them exclaimed to her how much they enjoyed it, causing her to flush. 

Nari bit her lip when it disappeared. Jongdae had told her to at least stay until the cake was gone, and now it was. She would probably only get in the way from now on, considering she didn't know anyone.

Chocolate Hearts | JonginTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang