The Way Back P1. (Update also...)

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Lemme guess, you guys like mac and cheese?
Anyway, you humans/robots/dolphins chose B. LET US EAT THE MACARONI AND THE CHEESE! Separately.

{Herobrine's POV}

I decide to make macaroni and cheese. I grab the box full of macaroni and boil some water (WATUUR). As I pour the macaroni into the water, I hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen.

{Y/N's POV}

You walk into the kitchen, surprised to see Herobrine cooking. He hides a box and a plastic wrapper of some sort behind his back.
"What are you doing...?" You ask curiously, walking up to him to see what's behind his back.
"Oh-uhh, nothing! It's nothing, really." He says, leaning to the side.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I-I'm sure! Heheh..."
"Alright. Anyway, what's for dinner?"
He stares at you, pupils as small as an ant. A bull ant? Oh wait, he has no eyes what am I on about pupils? HAH! IIIIIIIIII'M an idiot. Scratch that. His eyes wider than an Olympic swimming pool. Yeah, that's better.
"Heheh, you'll see. Just rest in Ren's room while you wait." He says, going back to... Doing whatever he was doing.
You go to Ren's room, sitting on your bed. You look around the room. You haven't had a close look of everything. You walk up to a small. statue of a knight in silver armour. The surface it was standing on was dusty, so you lifted the statue up and to your surprise, there was a button. A small red button. You dust off the... Dust with your hand, ignoring the button. But a small voice in your head whispers to press it. You-You cant resist the urge to push it. You hover your hand over it when suddenly, the door creaks open. You quickly put the statue back down and run back to your bed, sitting down cross legged and looking at the door.
"{R/N}, dinner's ready." Herobrine says, opening the door more.
"Oh, thanks. I'll be there in a minute." You reply, smiling. He leaves, closing the door. You get up, deciding to press the button. You lift the statue up, to see that the button is gone. You stare at the spot it's supposed to be in. You put the statue down, and back up again, expecting the button to reappear. It's still not there. You give up, walking to the kitchen.

HEY GUYS! Since this chapter will be put into two parts (or more if I'm lazy), you won't have to choose a thingy. I hope you didn't miss me, cuz I missed you and I hope you weren't disappointed with my disappearance. My iPad ran out of charge and my charger went to bust, so I couldn't charge it. Thankfully, for my bithday that was actually quite recently, I got a charger and NOW I CAN WRITE AGAIN AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHAHAHAKDBDKWBSKWBDOSBAMDJFBW ARE YOU HAPPY I AM!! :DD So I hope you guys enjoyed this small chapter. And as always, I will see you in the next chapter. Bye-bye~!

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