First Encounter

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<Okay, first things first, I will have to clarify what means what. {M/N} means Minecraft name, {R/N} means real name. I might also use {Y/N} in some circumstances. Also, most of this fanfic will be written in your perspective. Anyway, ONWARD TO THE STORY!>
{Y/N's POV}
As of right now, you are building a map. Probably one of your best and most complex ones. Everything is so intricate, that if one thing changes, it would ruin the whole thing. It took you days to make this.
"Can you send me the link?" Eugene asks through Skype. Without a question, you send the link to your unfinished map. He thanks you and you go on with building the map. Seeing as you love single-player mode, you made it a single-player map. It seems more interesting that way.
<Unknown>: Hello.
Huh? Y-You thought you were in single-player...? You think it's just a glitch and shake it off.
<Unknown>: I'm not a glitch, {M/N}. I'm real.
You start freaking out a little.
"Uhh, dude. This guy is talking to me on Minecraft." You tell Eugene.
"What's his name?" He asks.
"U-Unknown. Is that bad...?"
"Dude, get out of there, quick!"
You close Minecraft completely. That was creepy.
"Eugene... What was that...?" You ask, worry filling every word.
"I think that was... Herobrine."
"But his name was Unknown. Literally!"
"He goes by many different names."
"How do I get rid of him??"
"You don't."
You freeze in shock.
"Y-You don't...?"
"No. I had this experience before. I was lucky that he left."
"He just left, all willy-nilly?"
"Yup. You can't do anything. Re-downloading it won't work, resetting the game won't work, not even going onto another computer. He stays."
"He didn't do anything bad to me, but I have a feeling he'll wreck your map. Do you have a back-up of it?"
"Luckily, I do."
You're calming down now, knowing that your precious map'll be safe.
"I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow." You say solemnly.
"G'night." He responds. You shut down your computer and go to bed.

"Hello, {M/N}. I've missed you." A strange voice says to you.
"Huh? Who was that?" You ask worryingly, looking around the dark room. Suddenly, two pupil-less eyes start to glow in front of you. You stupidly decide to walk closer to them, almost as if against your will.
"Who are you...?" You ask.
"Your destiny." It says.
You wake up. Rubbing your eyes, you remember the dream you had last night. Two glowing eyes. You don't think much of it, seeing as it was only a dream. You go onto your computer and open Skype.
'Hey, you online?'
'Am now. Do you want some help with Herobrine?'
'Sure, but first I'm gunna search him up.'
'Good idea. Tell me when you're done.'
You go onto your search engine and type up Herobrine and go on images.
You stare in shock of what's in front of you.
Th-Those eyes... They were in your dream...
'Dude, I saw Herobrine's eyes in my dream last night.'
'Interesting... Well, don't worry about it. Open up MC and see what happened.'
You open Minecraft and go into one of your worlds. Some parts of it was burning, others completely blown up. As you look around, you see a sign. It wasn't there before. You go up to it and it says 'Hello. I'm Herobrine. You're new friend.' Okay, now you're creeped out.
You call Eugene, who picks up immediately.
"Hey, how are things? Anything severely damaged?"
"Ooh, yeah. There's also a sign that says that Herobrine is my 'new friend'."
"Woah... Creepy... Let's see what happens."
You wait for a few minutes, not expecting anything. Then suddenly everything went black. You've fainted.
You wake up to find yourself alone on some grass. It didn't feel like normal grass though, it felt more... Stiff. As if it was fake. You look up to see a tree made of... Blocks? You start to worry. Have you been teleported to Minecraft?
'No, it can't be... I can't be in Minecraft, it has to be a dream!' You think to yourself, worrying even more now.
"Ahem." A man clears his voice behind you. You look back to see a blocky man who looked like the skin of... Notch?
"Yes...?" You ask nervously and with slight worry as you turn yourself to face him.
"You're new here, aren't you?"
"Uh... Yeah..." You say quietly.
"Welcome to the land of Minecraftia! I'm Notch." He welcomes me with a big smile on his face and his hand out.
You shake his hand and say nervously, "Th-Thanks! I'm glad to be here..."
He starts walking away and you decide to follow him.
"So... What do I do here?" You ask while walking slightly behind him.
"I'm glad you asked! You can create buildings, make friends, play games an MUCH more!" He says enthusiastically.
"Woah... Sounds nice." You say, pretending to be interested.
"It sure is! Oh, I've almost forgot." He says as he stops in his path and turns to look at you. You start getting butterflies.
"What's your name?" He asks.
"Oh, {M-M/N}."
"Interesting... Well, I'll leave you to do your thing! Have fun!" He says, walking off. You wanted to stop him. You had so many questions left unasked and unanswered. But alas, you move back to where you were and start breaking those trees!

~{Time skip!}~

Once you have finished your ~expertly built~ house, you sit down on your bed and rest for a few minutes. You stare at the ceiling, looking at the unique patterns of the wood. You hear a scratch on the door. You get up and walk to the door to open it. You suddenly fall to the group with something heavy on your stomach. You look up to see a cute ocelot sitting on you. You pet it's head and it purrs. It looks like it's already been tamed. You take him off your stomach and sit up to look at his tag.
"Karma? Nice. Welcome to my home, Karma." You say to the cat, giggling to yourself. You close the door and turn towards the bed, seeing Karma sitting on it.
"Aww! Come on. I'll make you a bed." You say kindly to Karma. His eyes light up and he starts to follow you.
Once you have made the bed, you place it down near the couch. He nervously walks towards it, rubbing the side of it's belly on the side of it's rough basket. He finally goes onto the bed and rests.
You look up to see the sun setting. You decide to stay up a bit and kill monsters for fun.
You go outside, only to see that you built your house on a steep hill.
'Why would I do that?! I HATE heights!' You think to yourself. You slowly climb down the hill, killing monsters along the way. Once you've gotten to the bottom, you start venturing off into the wild distance.
After a while of killing monsters and regaining health,  you hear a stick break. What do you do?

A) Turn back to kill it, thinking it's a monster

What was a long chapter. Over 1000 words, actually! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! It was super fun writing this! Well, I'll see YOU in the next chapter! Bye-bye~!

Monster Inside {A Reader x Herobrine CYOP Fanfic} [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ