Captured (I got ya, didn't I? HAH!)

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Holy poop, you guys! PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THE STORY! This is a first for me... Yay!~ ANYWAYZ, you guys chose A! Let's see vat happenz, YAH?!

{Y/N's POV}
"Yes, I am willing to train for... The... Army?" You say with slight nervousness in your voice.
"Great! When shall we start?" Notch says with glee and a big smile across his face.
"How about now?" Steve suggests. Notch nods and leads you to a training area, where you are met by a guard.
"Hello, trainees!" The guard says with delight. It sounded like the female guard from before.
"This is your trainer, Alex." Notch introduces her... Him? IT?!
Alex takes off his/her/it's helmet. Yup, she's a girl.
"Uhh... H-Hi. I-I'm Steve. This is m-my friend {M-M/N}." He says, stuttering in nervousness.
"Hi, Alex! Nice to meet you." You say, holding out your hand to shake hers. She slaps her hand against yours and firmly shakes it.
"Well, let's get training!" She announces.
"Have a nice time, guys! I'll see you in five hours!"  Notch says as he leaves.
What?! FIVE HOURS?! You think to yourself. You awkwardly smile at Alex, and she smirks back.
"Let's do this!" She yells.

~{Time Skip (god, it's hard doing time skips)}~

You painfully walk out of the training room, limping towards the nearest seat.
"Nice going, {Y/N}! Get some rest. I'll get one of the guards to send you to your room." Alex proudly says. She whistles for a guard and he escorts you to your room.
"Yer sayin' 'ere 'till yer 'ouse gets fixed." He says. You thank him and he walks out the room.
Speaking of the room, it smelt like newly cut wood, your favourite scent. You lay down on the soft, velvet bed, embracing the ABSOLUTE SOFTNESS OH MY GOD IT'S SO SOFT! Steve walks into the room with two suitcases in his hand and a guard behind him.
"This'll where you'll be staying until training is finished." His guard says and walks away.
"Umm... Steve?" You say.
"Um... Why are you here? This is my room...?" Steve nervously asks, knowing what the answer will be.
"It's my room..." You explain slowly.
"NooOOOOTCH!" Steve yells, dropping the suitcases and running for Notch. You follow him.
"NOTCH!" You yell as you near him.
Notch turns around and asks "Hm? What seems to be the matter?"
"We're in the same room!" You and Steve say in sync.
"Oh. Well, you're gunna have to live with it." He says.

~{Time Skip}~

"I hate this." You mumble, sitting on the right edge of the bed.
"Me too." Steve says on the other side.
The both of you stay sitting on different sides of the bed for a while, before accepting what has happened.
"I'm going to sleep. You stay on that side of the bed, okay mate?" You say, slightly angry. Not at him, not at Notch, but at the guards.
"I won't disturb you." Steve replies with the same tone of anger.
You get into the bed and immediately fall alseep.

"Uhh, sire? Do you think she'll be alright? She seems a bit... Sick."
"Don't worry, Sauren. She'll be taken care of."
"What about the guards? Won't they see us?"
"Not if we have this."
You hear the sound of glass breaking.

You wake up to see that you're in a cage. You hear a meow and look down.
"Karma!" You yell, grabbing the cat and hugging it tightly.
"I love you, I love you, I love you!" You mumble to Karma. He rubs his head against your neck.
You suddenly hear the cage door open, and you see what you would never thought of seeing...

{Herobrine's POV}

I open the cage to see her and her cat hugging.
"I see you're finally awake." I say.
"You..." She growls. The cat jumps out from her arms and hides behind her.
"Yes, what about me?" I ask. She runs up to me to tackle me, but I teleport behind her and saves her from falling to the ground.
"WHY AM I HERE?" She yells at me, struggling to get out from my grip.
"You'll know all in good time..." I say.
She stops struggling and turns to me, making me let go of her.
"I want to know." She says threateningly.
"You're a persistent one, aren't you?" I say, analysing her actions and what she says.
"Yeah, and?"
"It's nice to have someone that never gives up."
She crosses her arms and her cat walks up to me. I kneel down to pet the cat, and it purrs.
"It likes me." I say, smiling at the cat.
"Well, he won't like you for much longer." {Y/N} says.
"It's okay, {R/N}. You're safe, aren't you? You're not dead." I say to her.
"How do you know my real name?" She asks.
"Because Eugene told me." I explain, stepping to the side and revealing him.

Monster Inside {A Reader x Herobrine CYOP Fanfic} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now