"What if he actually takes it back?" I pout, gripping the dress tightly.

"Then you'll know where you stand to him."


As soon as 9pm rolled around I began to feel jittery, like my stomach was going to fall out of my throat.

"You look wonderful, yet casual. Everything will be okay, okay?" Donna reassures me, pulling me into a tight hug.

I feel my phone vibrate. It was Ray. My body began to tremble and I was so stricken with fear that I felt embarrassed walking to Rays car.

"Ms. Grace." He acknowledges, opening the door for me.

"Did Ms. Scott make it to the airport okay?" I ask.

"Of course." Ray then shuts the door and my nerves are on a tight rope as I feel the car move forward.

Within ten minutes we were at Harvey's and Ray opened my door once more.

"Are you alright, Ms. Grace?" Ray asks, genuinely caring.

"Yes. Thank you."

"I'll park out here until further notice, if that's alright with you?"

He was the sweetest.

"Thank you."

With as much courage as I could muster, I walk inside, riding the elevator all the way up until I hit Harvey's floor. I can already hear the jazz.

When I turn the knob, the door is unlocked. Walking in, I see Harvey right where he was when Zoe left, only this time, he had downed an entire bottle of bourbon.

I take in a deep breath and approach him.

"Harvey?" I ask.

His head is resting on his finger tips and his eyes were closed.

"Harvey?" I ask, gripping his hand.

That had apparently been his balance, as he falls to the ground.

"Harvey!" I scream, flipping him from his stomach to his back.

His eyes gently flutter open and his smile grows and quickly fades.

"I told you not to come near me."

How could I come here to yell at him when he's so vulnerable? So drunk.

"Harvey, let's get you into bed."

He tries his best to stand up and as soon as he does, he's back on the floor.

"Why'd you drink so much?" I grunt, trying my hardest to lift him back into his chair.

"I told her everything, even that I loved her and she still left." He whispers.

"Harvey, drinking is only going to make the feeling worse." I roll my eyes at him and sit across from him on the floor.

Just like with Zoe, only this time... I knew he wouldn't pounce me.

Harvey and I were practically on different planets at this point.

"Carmen, why are you here?"

"Well... Since you asked..." I pull the dress that I had folded up into my purse, out.

I put it in front of him and he grips the fabric.

"I don't want this back."

"Well, I felt I should give it back because, it meant nothing to you so it means nothing to me. I can't repay you, the dress was damn near a grand. But, I can give it back."

Suitless (Harvey Specter)Where stories live. Discover now