Chapter 7

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(Belle's POV)

I woke up and strolled into my conjoined bathroom. I took a quick shower and dried my hair with my towel, leaving it to dry natural. I grabbed my makeup bag and plastered it on before heading downstairs to get some breakfast.

I was guessing that dad felt better this morning, because he had left some special breakfast for me on the bar: egg on toast with bacon and sausage. I grabbed the left-out plate and ran upstairs to my room with almost thirty minutes to spare before needing to head out.

I was going to the shops with Dan today, so I would need to be walking as usual. I got dressed while eating my food, and then changed into the day's attire.

(Dan's POV)

This morning, I woke up un-naturally early. I got dressed, ate some cereal, and then headed out. It was nice, and I had time, so I decided to not take the bus today. I walked. I headed down my street and towards the corner from the building.

I made sure my paper was in hand before I got on the school's road. When I turned the corner, a smiley girl caught my eye: Belle. I ran up to her side and smiled. She greeted me and motioned me to follow along with her stride.

I gave her a nod and we walked into the gates. We were about to reach the door before Jaz stepped into my view. "Where were you after school?" She pretended a worried expression and pointed to Belle. "Also, who is that?" she puckered her lips into a sour face.

"I am so sorry! Don't think anything; we just met yesterday in the back when he was running out. We just started talking on our way home. It was my entire fault!" Belle explained her side of the story before I stepped in, unwillingly, to make her not sound like the bad person.

"Jaz, don't worry. I just met her outside the doors yesterday and we just talked. Nothing happened." Jaz sunk her shoulders and covered her face while her arms rose and fell. "Are you okay?" I grabbed her shoulders and she looked up to my face, eyes red.

"Okay, I am okay." She walked backwards, wiping her eyes. She handed me her books and I quickly explained to Belle about Jaz. She nodded humbly and sulked down the hall, in my eyes, she seemed upset. I walked Jaz to class and dropped her stuff off. "Thanks, Dan," was all she could mumble before being pulled into the class by her other peers.

I walked down the corridor towards my class. I heard a bang from a hall over, but decided to leave that person alone. I walked into class and ran up to my Professor's desk, handing in the paper. "Here, Sir." He nodded and motioned me to sit at my assigned seat.

(Belle's POV)

Yes, I understand Dan is dating Jaz. Yes, I understand they have traditions. What I don't understand is why I had to go and make a big deal of things. I don't, I didn't think, I even had feelings for the guy. I walked around the corner of the hall and banged my back against a locker.

"Hello?" I heard a voice from somewhere down the hall and went quiet. I don't want anyone to see me angry and crying. I wanted to just... go. I walked into the Cafeteria and headed out those back doors I first saw Dan come out of. I left the same way he did that day.

I ended up in a field in which there was one standing tree. I knew I saw Dan come out here, he could have possibly have come here. I got closer to the round trunk and saw faint tracks of sneakers in the wet mud. I got my jacket out of my bag and laid it across the most root-covered place on the mud. I avoided making it muddy, so when I needed to put it back in it wouldn't ruin any work.

I lay against the trunk and sighed, looking up at its strong, slender branches. I traced my hands along the engravings on the wood and slowly fell asleep.

(Dan's POV)

The school day was officially over with and I said bye to Jaz after convincing her that Belle was a friend. Also, telling her that we were just going to a shop together. I walked into the lawn and down the pavement, looking for Belle. She was nowhere to be seen. I decided to call her cell.

*Dan Calls Belle*

"Hello?" I heard Belle groggily say on the other side of the line.

"Hi, it's Dan. Where are you?" I waited for an answer for about a minute before she asked where I was.

"I am outside of the school, where are you?"

"I will come to you then, be there in five minutes."

*Belle Hangs Up*

She hung up and almost ten minutes later, she came running from the back of the school with her jacket lying lazily on her arm. "I am so sorry about that, Dan!" She was out of breath and gasping for air.

"Chill, why were you running?" I said while grinning at her cherry red face. She held up one finger before straightening her posture and looking me in the eyes.

"I skipped, for the first time in my life." She smiled, like she was proud.

"Belle! What happened to you being a goody-goody?" She punched my shoulder and gestured for me to walk beside her.

(Belle's POV)

"Please, don't laugh, at what I tell you." Dan nodded and I continued on. "When I first met you out the back, you were skipping. I know that. I wasn't feeling... well, so I decided to skip, basically. I went the same way you left and found a tree and sat under it. I eventually fell asleep and when you called you woke me up. I eventually ran all the way to the front of the school."

I smiled and watched Dan's expression turn from surprised to him full of laughter. "HEY! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LAUGH!"

"Sorry, sorry, but that is just funny. Do you still feel bad? Do I need to walk you straight home? Are you sick?"

"No, no, don't worry about that. I feel a little better, or at least, good enough to go get some pastries with you." I smiled and we walked to the little Shoppe Centre.

Okay, that's the longer chapter for the last chapter. I hope you guys like these... I have only seen a few reads per chapter, but I hope once more people read it, more people can hopefully tell me how to make my writing better and how to improve it. If you have tips, please don't be afraid to share them with me as I check wattpad daily for any updates

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