Chapter 4

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*Skips forward to Belle's House*

(Dan's POV)

I followed Belle through the hallway and into her huge kitchen. "What. The. Fuck." Did I say that out loud? I heard a slight giggle to my right which turned into devilish laughter. I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see Belle, slouched over laughing to her heart's content.

"Sorry," she exclaimed, wiping her eyes, "I have just never had THAT reaction before..." She fixed her posture and looked into my eyes and motioned for me to sit at the bar. "Sit there and I'll make us some pasta." She started towards the fridge and I pulled out my phone.

"So, what music do you like? Muse, Fall Out Boy, Panic!, or anything you like?" She tapped her chin and turned towards me.

"Well... I really like some Pete Wentz." I nodded and opened my music playlist, picking Uma Thurman and standing. I walked slowly over to her stereo and plugged my iPhone in. I shuffled back to bar and started nodding my head to the music.

Belle started to put noodles into a pot filled with boiling water. She hopped to the side, startling me. She started to dance as she put the other ingredients in a pan and started to stir, making the Alfredo sauce. She sprinkled in some garlic, making the kitchen fill with the aroma. "Hey what cheese are you using for the sauce?"

"What!?" she screamed, obviously deafened by the loud music. I walked to the stereo to lower the volume.

"What cheese are you using in the sauce?"

She nodded and pointed at me, shaking her hips. "Just my favorite: Brie cheese!" I laughed at that and walked back over to my seat. "Hey, why don't we turn that music off so we can learn more about each other?" I nodded and walked to the stereo, ripping my phone from its base and turning it off.

"Are we going to play twenty questions?" I asked. She shook her head and told me to ask whatever I wanted. I paused before asking, "What's your favorite color?"

"I think that is," she paused to think. "I think my favorite color is every color, on the rainbow that is. I hate neutral colors, they're so boring." She pouted and laughed while draining the bowtie noodles.

I laughed and sighed, "Well, we are very different people then. My favorite color is BLACK." I screamed proudly and hunched over laughing. She soon joined in, letting the noodles drain on their own.

"I am about to... never mind, be right back." I nodded and kept on laughing, pulling up Tumblr. I kept a blog, no not a ton of people followed me, no I am not famous, but I do have one. Only a few people actually pay attention to it.

(Belle's POV)

I ran to the bathroom, terrified. I totally forgot that I was on IT. Yes IT. I changed THE quickly, washed my hands, and ran back out. "Shit..." I mumbled as I entered the kitchen.

"You okay, Belle?" He looked genuinely concerned, with the official puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, yes, don't worry about me." I smiled and quietly laughed. He wasn't convinced. I clutched my side and pretended to stretch. I grabbed hold of the pan of sauce and put it on a cooled burner. I put the noodles back in the pot and told Dan he could come and try it.

"What the hell, Belle? Are you secretly a Chef?" He smiled and made me melt. I said Of course and ran to the drawer to grab a spoon.

"Here ya go. I hope you like it!" I folded my hands and watched him eat the first bite, his eyes growing into bowling balls.

"How can YOU, or ANYONE make something this great?!" He smiled and kept eating like a hungry puppy. I decided to go and grab myself a portion.

"I did try, you know. I will be my hardest critic though." I took a fork and stabbed the bowtie. "It's pretty good, but my dad's is better." His eyes went wide and he had a mini screaming fit.

"Your dad's is BETTER? I have to try his then!" He laughed and watched me almost spit out my pasta through my nose.

Hey guys, next time I write, the setting will probably be in Belle's car when she is taking him back home after the meal. If you guys suggest ideas, I WILL most likely use them, so please, I love seeing you guy's suggestions. <3

I was going to put an official picture of the person playing Belle, but all the URLs were too freaking long, so I am going to give you her YouTube link. (Don't think it's weird she's 'younger'. This is based on when Dan was in high school, so it makes more sense when you think about it.)


Her YouTube is linked here:

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