Chapter 3

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(Belle's POV)

I ran through the door, hopping with a grin. Dan. Dan. Nice. I had met someone that I have never heard of before. He had brown eyes, brown hair and a big smile. He seemed troubled, but I let him go. I didn't want to bother or question someone I had just met.

I went into room 264, saw the Professor, angry, and sat in my usual desk. I pulled the book I needed out of my sack and opened it to the assigned work page. "Mrs. Satin, since you were so inappropriately late, why don't you read page 68 of the assigned project aloud. If you don't mind, that is." Professor looked at me expectantly and gestured towards my sack. I reached into the limp bag and grabbed the small stack of papers I collected from my printer last night.

"Well..." The room was silent, all student staring in my direction. "Step One."

(Dan's POV)

I sat beneath the usual "anger tree". I stressed out and yelled under its long, slender branches. I pulled out the book I was to be reading all year long last year and took a peek. I hadn't read it then, me being the lazy person I am. We were liars by E. Lockhart, sounds interesting. I read the back, like usual and flicked through the pages. I started on page one...

After a few hours, or until school was to be letting the seniors leave for the rest of the day, I left along the group (as I am a senior). I strolled along the alley side of the school and came out the front gate. My eyes grew wide as I spotted a girl with a stained dress and earphones plugged in.

It was Belle, Belle. I ran through the street, along the slanted pavement and caught up to her. I pulled on the edge of her nice cardigan. She spun around in a swift motion. "Who are y-! Oh Dan! Sorry, I thought you were a creeper!" She giggled and relaxed her shoulders before pulling out her earphones and stuffing them into her sack.

(Belle's POV)

I felt a slight tug on my jumper and turned towards the mysterious human. "Who are y-! Oh Dan! Sorry, I thought you were a creeper!" I screamed then slightly relaxed and breathed. I tucked my earphones into my pocket on my bag. I moved my hand in a motion, telling him to walk along with me.

"Hey, Belle. I was wondering if you'd want to hang out this weekend as it is Friday..." Dan scratched the back of his neck and smiled nervously. He looked into my eyes and stopped. I pivoted towards him and nodded, showing him he should calm down.

"Of course! Where did you want to go: cinema, restaurant, park or one of our houses?" He shifted and started to walk forwards.

"I was thinking the park... then possibly pizza?" I nodded and followed him, watching my feet. I could feel my body tingle in nervousness and my cheeks turn rosy red. Dan looked down at me and smiled. "Oh my gosh, I might sound so stupid right now..." He laughed and scratched the back of his neck again. "I walked the wrong way. I got lost talking to you! I'll go now, bye Belle."

I hesitated, I'll tell you, but before he got too far... "You can hang at my house until my mom gets home if you'd like. I can feed you. Don't worry you wouldn't be a hassle!" He shrugged, said Why Not? , and followed me the rest of the way home.

Hello! I am back! I am going to try to update this more often than I ever updated my other stories. I usually take almost three months, but I will try to stay on top of this one. See you guys in the next part! (And if you didn't notice, I left you with a small cliffhanger)

<3 you guys!

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