The Beginning

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Cody woke up, he was in bed. Not his real bed, obviously, but the room he was staying in on a cruise ship while the fourth season is in session. He got off the bed, put on his shoes, and left.

Cody stretched his arms, and noticed Alejandro behind. He stepped on Cody's feet, hard.

"Ow!" Cody squeaked.

"Never call me Al again!" Alejandro snapped.

Alejandro had been very mean towards him ever since he fully recovered from his injuries. It felt like yesterday when he was stuffing me with candy! It's a good thing I figured him out before it was too late.

But then Cody remembered, it was Sierra that figured it out for him. She was keen to have figured that out, it was too bad that she was eliminated right then. But now she was back, on the boat with him.

Cody decided to look for her. He walked up the stairs to the deck of the boat, everybody was still sleeping, so it was empty. The cold breeze blew his hair back as he continued to look for Sierra. He saw a beach chair stretched out and someone standing over the edge, admiring the sea.

It was Sierra.

Her hair was back too, flowing more beautifully than ever Cody thought.

What am I thinking?! Cody walked awkwardly towards her, till he saw Alejandro come up to her first, he looked concerned.

"Where's Heather?" He asked Sierra.

She said something out of earshot, Alejandro nodded politely, and left. But before he could talk to Sierra, she got up, folded her chair and followed Alejandro, not noticing Cody. Cody oddly stretched one arm, wanting to talk to her.


Cody turned around, it was Duncan, with Gwen next to him, rolling her eyes.

"You used to do that with me" Gwen teased.

"He padding after the stalker girl now" Duncan remarked, then he laughed at his comment.

"It's not like that!" Cody snapped. Duncan and Gwen walked away, holding hands and laughing. It didn't seem to bother Cody much anymore...

"She's over there."

"Thanks Sierra" Alejandro said as he approached Heather. She was sitting in the lounge on a crimson couch. Once she noticed Alejandro, she looked frantically for something, and picked up a random book to avoid his gaze.

"I know you just don't want to look at me" Alejandro sighed.

He felt hurt. Ever since the kiss, Heather had been ignoring him. She angrily threw the book on the floor, and gave him a glare that screamed death. "What do you want?!" Heather snapped.

"Why have you been ignoring me?!" Alejandro asked.

"I-I don't know" Heather stuttered.

"Don't know?!" Alejandro chuckled as he sat on the couch with Heather and stopped laughing. He then put his arm around Heather and pulled her a little closer. Heather began to squirm uncomfortably in his strong hold, then she stopped.

"I just...thought you'd hate me after what I did, and now that I know that you still like me, I just-" Alejandro then kissed her and she felt that everything was alright, that all was covered, forgotten. It lasted five seconds before he pulled away, smiling.

"I'd never hate you, mi amor" Alejandro said softly.

"Where's Sierra?"

"Don't know" Chris responded to Cody, "Wait, are you crushing on the stalker girl?"

"What?! No! Why does everyone keep saying that?!" Cody snapped, feeling flustered.

"Because it's true" Chris shot back.

Cody gritted his teeth and walked away from Chris and down the stairs, hoping that Sierra was down at the lounge. "Sierra?" Cody called, half-hoping that she would charge at him and squeeze him as usual, but he heard no response. He came in and saw DJ and Owen talking. "Hey" Cody said, "Have you seen Sierra?"

Both of them shook their heads. "Ok, well thanks." Cody said and left. Cody then knocked on Sierra's door, no response.

Where was she?

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