

Harry stood up along with the rest of the crowd, all cheering and waving their scarves around as the yelled and shouted for the respective teams.

Harry, Liam, Niall and even Zayn tagged along too to watch the game, as the four of them sat up in the stands to support their friends.

Much to Harry's dismay, they were sitting in the front, where Harry felt the most exposed and uncomfortable, but he didn't want to make a scene in front of his friends and most of the other students. So he reluctantly sat down, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible because he hated sitting in front of people.

Harry didn't shout to much as the game went on, but he kept his eyes on Louis as the older boy ran around the pitch.

Harry thought he was playing very well, and it wasn't even half-time yet. Louis hadn't scored, but he'd assisted on the one goal that the team had scored.

They were winning 1-0, and Harry was pretty sure that they would score again and win the game, just because Louis was so damn amazing. It had become clear to him why Louis was on a football scholarship to their university.

Harry clapped as the crowd sat down, the whistle being blown for half-time, so everyone started chatting and moving around.

So Harry turned slightly to face his friends, smiling timidly. As they were at the front, he turned is body to half lean on the fence in front of them, separating them from the ground.

"That was great!" Niall exclaimed, a smile plastered over his face.

"Yeah!" Liam added, nodding as he looked out at the field and then back to the boys. "They're doing so well."

Zayn and Harry both quietly agreed, and the latter was about to open his mouth to say something more, when he was interrupted.

"Hey, Harry!"

At the sound of his name, the green-eyed boy turned to face the field, to see a very familiar face jogging towards him. Harry smiled at the boy, and turned himself so he was facing the little fence, arms resting on the top as the boy got closer.

"Hi, Ed." Harry smiled, pleased the older boy had remembered him from the party.

Ed wasn't playing that night, but he was on the team, just supporting them from the sidelines as he was still recovering from an injury he'd sustained during the previous season.

The other boys slowly turned to face him too, joining in the conversation with the new comer purely due to intrigue.

"W-Why aren't you playing?" Harry stuttered, and mentally cursed himself for fumbling in front of him.

"Ankle." Ed grimaced. "From last season, but coach wanted to keep me around and on the team." He paused, then grinned and winked at Harry. "I was captain last season, you know."

"Oh," Harry breathed. "Cool."

"Yeah," Ed continued. "It's a pretty great honour."

Harry just nodded, and blushed a little as Ed continued to stare at him fondly, making him a mixture of uncomfortable, but strangely loved at the same time.

"So, you play well then?" Liam asked, and Ed nodded, tearing his eyes away from Harry long enough to talk to the others.

"Yeah." Ed nodded, looking at him as he waited for an introduction.

"I'm Liam." Liam smiled. "This is Niall and Zayn."

"You here to enjoy the great game?" Ed laughed, and Niall nodded, smiling back.

"Yeah, big fans." Niall said, before looking out onto the field. "Our friend, Louis, plays."

"Oh yeah!" Ed snapped his fingers, looking back at Harry, who as bright red and desperately trying not to make an idiot out of himself. "He was that guy at the party!"

"Yeah." Harry breathed, laughing shakily as he nodded. "T-That's Louis."

"Yeah!" Ed started laughing, making Harry a little uncomfortable, because it felt like he was trying to make fun of Louis a little bit. "He-"

All of a sudden, the siren for the second half sounded, so Ed said his goodbyes, and walked back over to the bench, sitting next to the coach as the game restarted


The game finished as per Harry's predictions: their team won. So naturally everyone was happy and excited.

Everyone was on their feet as Louis passed the ball to his teammate, who kicked the ball straight into the back of the net, right as the whistle sounded, marking the end of the game.

And everyone was screaming. The team all celebrated and hugged in the middle of the field, before running over to the crowd to celebrate with them.

Harry's breath hitched as Louis came jogging over to them, a massive smile plastered across his face.

"Harry." He said, stopping in front of him, and Harry couldn't stop smiling.

"Hi." Harry gave him a small wave as Louis stepped closer, keeping his eyes on his friends.

"Hey, guys." Louis said, smiling at the others too, before his eyes returned to Harry's.

Louis was sweaty and out of breath, but Harry didn't care. He looked beautiful, and all Harry wanted was to hug the boy. So he did.

When Louis came to stand in front of the fence right where Harry was sitting, the two of them were so close, so Harry closed his eyes and went for it, giving him a quick, tight hug.

"You played great, Lou." He said as he pulled back, looking into Louis' surprised face. The boy looked happy however, so Harry thought it was more of a pleasant surprise.

"Thanks." Louis laughed, before blushing a little and looking away. Then, he looked back and smiled at Harry again. "I'm just going to clean up a little and get changed, then I'll come back out to get you and we can go?"

"Sure." Harry nodded, as Louis turned to the other boys.

"You did awesome, Louis!" Niall exclaimed, as the other two guys agreed as well.

"Thanks, boys." Louis chuckled. "But if you'll excuse me, I have to shower."

"Alright, see you later, mate." Liam said, before Louis turned and jogged away, and Harry may or may not have been checking out his bum as he went.

"So you and Louis are hanging out tonight?" Liam asked Harry, making the younger boy blush even harder.

"U-Uh, yeah." Harry stuttered.

"So did you guys talk, or something?" Zayn asked. "Are you all good now?"

Harry knew they were far from being good, but he nodded anyway. There was still so much to figure out, but he was determined to make it okay between the two. All he wanted was his best friend back.

"Yeah." Harry whispered, watching as Louis finally disappeared behind his teammates as they went into the changing rooms.

He had decided. Tonight, he was going to ask Louis about what happened, and finally get the truth.






QOTC: Thoughts on Ed?



but srs please go and check it out :)

I Know You, Lou // l.s.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя