Chapter 12

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"Ms. Payne? Ms. Payne you have a guest." A woman said. Where was I? "K8? K8tie honey, are you alright?" I heard my mother's voice. "Mum? Where am I?" I asked. "You're at the hospital baby cakes." she said. "What? Why?!" I asked. I couldn't remember a thing! Last I remember I was at the burned down house for a concert. "Wait, hun, what's the last thing you remember?" she asked. "Umm. I was with Courtney and dad had just auditioned for the X-Factors." I said trying to get past the fact that I was at my own concert. "Um...Doctor??!!!" mom screamed. "Yes Mrs. Payne?" the Doctor said. "Um Doctor, her names Ms. Peazer! She's not married yet!" I said. "Doctor...what's wrong with her memory?" my mom demanded. "Um I'm sorry Ms. I don't know." The doctor said. "She remembers things from 5 to 6 years ago! She doesn't remember any of her friends except for one and she's in a hospital in America!!!" my mom yelled. "Wait...I'm in America? Sick! Where's dad? He promised to take me to Disney World when we got here!" I said. "He's in Australia honey!" mom said. "Wait. Why is he in Australia?" I asked. "He's on tour!" mom said. "On tour? For what?" I asked. "Um...He's on tour for....Your school! He's helping your teacher find new things for the auditorium! Yeah, he's touring the Opera theater in Australia....with some of his new mates....Zayn, Lou, and Niall..." Mom said. "Oh...ok..." I said. "Yeah....I have to go make a call...I'll be right back!" she said and walked out. I sat there watching her talk to someone on the phone. 15 minutes later my mom was talking to a blonde college girl.

"Hi...K8...Do you remember me?" she asked. "! I know! You're the girl I met when my aunt said you were her sister for April Fools Day a few years back! That was a weird April first...." I said. "'m your best friend! Cleo!" she said. "No, my best friend's name is Courtney!" I said. "This is bad! This is very bad!!!!" she said. "No! Maybe not!" My mom said. She whispered something in so called 'Cleo's' ear and then Cleo clapped her hands. "Right! Ok, K8, do you remember your boyfriend?" She asked. "No...I don't have one." I said bitterly. "Yeah you do! I mean, your dad just approved you could have one! His name is Harry! Harry Styles!" She said. "Yeah! He's really nice and handsome and I would be so jealous if I wasn't dating....wait a minute...that would mean I'm jealous right now...But I'm not jealous!" Cleo declared. "Ummm ok...." I said.

"Okay...K8tie dear, I'm going to check in to my hotel room but I'll be back ok?" mom said. "Yeah, sure, but mom, how long have we been here if you're only now checking in and I'm already in the Hospital?" I asked. "Oh. I just go here...You've been here for 2 years..." she said. She was kidding! I couldn't have been away from Europe that long! She quickly ran out of the room with a small tear in her eye. "What's her deal?" I asked Cleo. "She wasn't lying. We came up to New York for college. We go to Juilliard." She said. I have only dreamt of going to Juilliard! "Really? Yeah right! I wish!" I said. "I can prove it! Let me just get some of your clothes out of the bag I brought for you and I can take you to the dorm where all the proof you need is!" she insisted. She pulled out some skinny jeans with a cute purple low cut V-neck shirt and some Pastry shoes. I dressed quickly and she sent a text to my mom telling her where I was going. Then she checked me out of the hospital.


"Hey K8! How are you? Cute Top!" a girl said walking by. "Thanks." I said. I didn't know what else to say...I didn't know her. "Hey K8! I'm soo sorry about Nick!" another girl said. "Jessica! Shut up!" Cleo said and whispered something in her ear. "Oh! Right! Well have fun!" the girl said. I guess her name was Jessica.... Cleo opened a door and sat down on a bed. "This is your home. Those are your roommates Bella, Cindy, and Janet" She said pointing each one out. "Hi." I said shyly. "Cleo, why are you re-introducing us? We've known her for 2 years now..." said the girl Cleo said was called Bella. "She lost her memory." Cleo said. "Oh! In that case! You hate Chocolate Chip Cookies!" "And Chocolate Fudge!" said Cindy and Janet. "Um...I remember up until 5 to 6 years ago...I know how much I love chocolate anything!" I said with a laugh. "Darn it!!! In that case...I never ate your chocolate chip cookies never made any! Yeah!" Janet said. "Janet!" Bella warned. " long is your memory gone?" Bella asked. "I don't know...I didn't know it was gone until my mom flipped out and I looked in the mirror." I said. Cindy laughed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Bella got up to see who it was.

"Nick! Nick go away!" She said. "I'm not here to see you. Jessica and some other girls told me K8tie was here." He said and rudely shoved Bella out of the way. In walked a handsome guy who was tall with curly brown hair and nice hazel eyes. "Hey K8 Babe!" He said. "Ummm Hi?" I said looking to Cleo for guidance. "Is it true you lost your memory?" He asked. "Yeah...I guess so." I replied. "GREAT! I mean bad, know...means I have a fresh slott." Nick said. There was another knock at the door. "I got it!" Cleo said. She opened it and then quickly walked outside with someone closing the door behind her. "Um.. I don't know Nick... I mean you're really REALLY cute and all but I'm not sure who's who right now so I want some time to figure everything out." I said. The door opened back up and in walked Cleo and a boy with curly hair like Nick's but a little lighter color and hazel eyes. Nick and him could be brothers!

"Nick. What are you doing here?" The boy asked. "Checking in on my girl. What about you Styles?" Nick said with a voice full of hatred. "Your girl? Since when? Since you cheated?" The boy said. "Nick. It's time for you to leave!" Janet said. Bella, Cindy, Janet, and Cleo tried to get him to leave but he wouldn't budge. Finally the boy budded in and took him by the back of his shirt. "Look Nick! If I see you bothering any other girls while with someone else, you'll wish you were dead!" The boy said and slammed the door shut.

"K8, this is Harry!" Cleo said. "Hiya." He said cooly. "H-hi..." I said. "Wanna get a mocha?" He asked. "Um...sure..." I said.


"So...I have known you 5 years now." Harry said when we sat down with our mocha's. "Oh...I guess I remember up to 6 years ago." I said. "Yeah, well, I don't know how you think of me...especially now that you lost your memory. Would you enlighten me?" He asked "Um...I don't know...I don't really know you..." I trailed off. "I know, but if we spent time together, maybe you would remember." He said. "Ok." I said. "I think you're cute." I said. He gave me a smiled that was full of beautiful dimples... "I have been waiting for you to tell me that since forever!" He says and gives me a quick kiss. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Harry said. "No. It's alright..." I said giving him his kiss back.

"Awwwww You guys are sooo cute! But you always have been!" Cleo said walking into Starbucks. "Cleo!" Harry warned. "Sorry! Anyways, K8, your mom says you need to stay with her tonight at the hospital. The doctors are still not sure if it's good for you to be sleeping away from the hospital." Cleo explained. "Oh...ok.." I said. "Bye Harry!" I said and gave him a quick smooch then Cleo and I ran off to the hospital.

"Sooo..." Cleo said. She obviously wanted to know about my date with Harry. "Nothing happened...we drank some coffee and talked." I insisted. "Mm-hmm Yeah. Whatever I'm sure Harry will tell me!" She said. I blushed at the sound of his name.

"OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K8TIE WATCH OUT!!!!" Cleo screamed. I turned my head and out of nowhere a pickup truck at full speed was charging at me. I didn't know what to do for a moment because of shock, then when I realized I should move, well it was too late. For the second time in what seemed a day everything went black.

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