Chapter 9

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Harry and I stayed up the rest of the night, I mean when I got home it was 3 in the morning, then Harry and I talked and Cleo gave me the peptalk at about 4, Harry and I talked at 5. The rest of the night we sat together laughing and sharing jokes.

"Oh! Last year, my dad told me we were moving away to America, I literally ran to Courtney's place! Then when I came came home the next day, he told me "April Fools!" I was soooo pissed!!!!" I told Harry who was laughing to death. He was probably laughing because we were both so tired and were enjoying our time together. We knew everyone was going to wake up and tell us to eat then take me to school.

Sure enough I was right! I heard a knock on my door. I was in Harry's room so when he knocked i had to muffle my laugh. Harry cleared his throat and walked to the door. He peeked his head out. "Oh hey Liam!" he said. I could tell he was trying not to laugh with all his might. "G'morning Harry! Did K8 come home last night like she said she would?" Liam asked. "Yeah she's home, she's probably getting ready for school." Harry said. "Oh, ok, Harry, I was wondering if I could have a word with you about K8?" Liam said. "Oh, erm, sure hold on." Harry said. He was no longer laughing. Now we were both worried. Liam walked to his office and Harry closed the door.

"Uh-oh." I said. "He's not one to hurt someone, right?" Harry asked. I laughed. "No, well, yes but not you, you're his bandmate and friend!" I said reassuringly. "Ok, I wish you didn't have to leave." Harry said to me. "I know, but Harry, this isn't helping with the friend zone thing." I said. "I know. But K8, I don't like the friend zone." He said. "I know but there's the friend zone, or no zone." I said. I knew it was like a slap in the face to him but I didn't want a relationship with my dads mate. "Right, anyways, I've gotta meet your dad and you've got school. I guess I'll see you later." Harry said opening his door motioning me to leave. I could see him hurting. I hated seeing him hurting! I got up and walked to my room. "See ya Harry." I said and walked into my room to get into my uniform.

"So? You were with Harry all night, are you guys dating yet?!" Cleo asked eagerly. "No Claire! I'm not dating Harry! He's a pathetic child who thinks he get what he wants if he puts his ugly puppy dog face! Why would I date a brat? I already have an amazing dad that everyone falls for! I'm not going to be a groupie for him alright?! God! If you like him so much, why don't you date him?!" I yelled a bit too loud. Cleo had tears in her eyes. I hadn't called her Claire in a week and I just yelled at her for no reason but to get Harry off my mind because I really did like him! I was finished changing and yelling so I went to walk out of the room. I opened my door and there stood a bowed curly head leaning on my doorway. "H-Harry?" I asked, it wasn't really a question. It was more like saying uh-oh. He nodded a little, still not picking up his head. Then he pushed himself off my doorway and walked away to my dad's office. "ARGH!!! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO DIFFICULT?!" I screamed kicking my dresser with all my might. Cleo jumped. "Are you ok?" She asked. "No! But it doesn't matter! Sorry for yelling at you! Bye!" I said and fumed out of the room.

My mom knows not to bother me when I was in a bad mood so she put a chocolate pop tart on the kitchen counter as I walked out. She must've heard me yelling. I grabbed my helmet and skate board. Then I grabbed the food, mumbled a thanks, then slammed the door behind me.

I couldn't believe this! My day couldn't possibly get any worse though! Right? Wrong! I didn't know pigeons could be so dangerous! I was skating when a pigeon swooped down and grabbed my pop tart from my hand! Then a stupid boy was walking his dog and obviously wasn't watching where he was going because his dog got out of the way but he didn't and we crashed causing me to fall on top of him!

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" He asked. I didn't even look at him. I just started yelling. "Why does everyone ask me that?! I'm fine! Okay? I'm f-" I stopped when I looked up at him. He had golden hair swept to the side. Light skin and hazel eyes. He had no zits or anything! He was gorgeous! "Wow." I said. Oops! I wasn't supposed to say that out loud! I was mentally giving me hundreds of thousand facepalms! He smiled a gorgeous white smile. "I'm glad you're okay, sorry for getting in your way." he said. "It's fine! I'm K8tie." I said. "I'm Edward." he said. I laughed. "What's so funny?" He asked smiling. "You're name is the name of a vampire with perfect skin just like yours." I said. Shoot! What in the mother load was I saying?! "Haha, okay then. Where were you off to before we collided?" He asked. "Right! School!" I said. "Yeah, me too. I just had to bring my dog back home, he followed me!" He said annoyed. "Aww hehe." I said giggling. "Yeah, when do you get off school?" He asked. "At 3:30." I said. "Oh, well wanna grab some Nandos after school, maybe hang out at the arcade or something?" He asked. "Like...a date?" I asked. "Welll....If I say yes, will you come?" He asked. "Maybe." I said. "Then yes!" he said. I smiled at the ground. "Alright, meet me at the local football field." I said. "Cool! See you later K8tie!" He said. "Bye." I said smiling and turning a bright pink then skated off to school.

When I got to first period I thought I might actually have an okay day after all. Pink and Courtney walked in and took the two seats next to me. They could see I was glowing pink and knew something was up.

"I'm going to ask you a very serious question....Are you dating my brother?!" Pink said. All the pink drained and I turned as white as a ghost. "No. I don't think it would work between us." I said. "Is it true you called him an ugly brat?" Courtney asked. "Wait, what? How did you find out?" I asked. She pulled out her phone. "Cleo texted me. So it's true then?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess I did. But I didn't mean to hurt him. The truth is I kinda like him so I was trying to get him off my mind and Cleo off my back." I said truthfully. "Well, not only did Cleo text us, but Harry won't answer my calls!" Pink said. "Oh, that's just because he's talking to my dad about something." I said. "Your dad?!" Courtney practically yelled. "Do you know how scary your dad is?" Court asked. "No, but Harry's fine!" I said. "If it wasn't Harry that got you pink...what was it?" Pink asked. "Well...." I said and was going to tell them about Edward and how we were going to meet up later, but then Mrs. Simons came in and started talking to us about some boring person in US history called George Washington.

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