Chapter 7

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"I'm glad you came to your senses and are staying here." Shawn said to me. "Yeah, well don't get used to it!" I said. "Yeah, I'll get used to it!" he said. I groaned in disgust. "Who was that other girl?" I asked. "Oh, some girl who ran away. Her name's Nikki or something." he said. "Wait, you don't even know her name? That's just sad!" I said. "Yeah, but whatever." he said. He disgusted me!

I didn't know what time it was, but I could tell it was late enough that I could take my phone out and call the cops or something. I knew it was really dangerous because once he got out of jail (if he went to jail) he would be after me.

I pulled out my phone and opened it. The light was bright. I was so surprised when it didn't wake him up! I quickly called 911.

"Hello?" I heard a tiered woman answer. "Hi, um, I'm being held hostage!" I whispered. "Ok, where are you?" she asked. "I don't know, I don't know the name, I just know the place by it's look." I said. "Urgh ok. I'm tracking your call, stay on the line, I'm sending someone for you." She said. "Thank you!" I said.

A few hours later I heard the sirens. They were very loud and would wake Shawn up instantly!

"Shit! They found me! K8, be very quiet!" Shawn said. "Come out with your hands on your head! Leave the girl and walk out slowly, make any movement to reach for something we will shoot!" The police said loudly. "Police! They don't understand anything about me! I won't do what they say! Alright, Stand up! Don't worry I won't shoot!" he said. I got up and he put a gun to my head. I have never had a gun to my head, it was different and scary.

"Sir, put the gun down and let the girl go!" said a woman police. "Lemme think, No!" He said. "Sir, We don't want to hurt you but we will if we have to!" The woman said. "You shoot me, I shoot her." he said. I was convinced! Shawn doesn't have emotions! He's killed many girls without flinching, what makes me think he'll care this time? "Shawn, put the gun down!" A male police said. "No dad! I'm sick of you and your stupid job! You're always budding in my life!" Shawn said to the police, I guess this is why he doesn't flinch. He knows it'll make his dad upset. I just didn't know his dad was a police! "I always bud in because 1. It's my job! 2. I get a lot of calls about you. And 3. I care too much about you to let you ruin your life like this!" His dad said. "Just let the girl go please!" His dad said. "No dad. I won't!" Shawn said. "I will hurt you if I have to Shawn!" his dad said. "NO DAD!!!!" He screamed. "You give me no choice!" Shawn's dad said. "Shoot dad! Shoot! I'm already going to Hell!" he yelled. "SHOOT END MY MISERY!" He screamed. I started to cry. It was so emotional! I heard a loud bang. Then another. Two guns were shot but I don't know which one hurt who. The gun was still to my head. Then it made sense. Shawn had put a blank in his gun. I looked at Shawn. His face was neutral. It showed no emotion. But his white shirt was slowly turning red with blood. For the first time, I saw a boy who cared. I saw a boy who did care about who he killed, his family, women. A tear rolled down his cold skin. He fell to his knees. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." he whispered. Then just like that, he was gone. Dead. Never to walk this earth again. Just like that. In a matter of seconds. Shawn was no more.

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