Chapter 11--5 Years Later

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I love college! I could live my life without my dad watching over me! Of course One Direction, my dad's band, could tour over to America whenever they wanted. They were going to tour over to New York City as soon as they could is what my dad told me and Cleo before we left home to the big city and into our dorms at Juilliard. It was only our second year but we already missed the boys....or at least

Letter 1 from Cleo and K8:

Dear Mum and Dad,

I have reached my college in London and am settling in very nicely. I miss you guys back in Europe though! My roommates are so nice and really funny (or as they say "Cheeky.") Get this, There's a Starbucks just around the corner of room! How are the rest of the boys? You know, all except that one certain know the one I'm talking about. Anyways, Juilliard is like the best college ever! I have a singing class, writing class, acting class, even though I don't dance I'm taking a dance class. I can't believe some of the people here knew about my old band! I think that since I'm older, I'm going to reform the band. Cleo and I are next door neighbors in dorms. She and I have been having a blast in the City! We went shopping yesterday and bought a load of things! I can't believe there are so many people who love our accents...even the cute guys! Don't worry daddy! I'm not into them....that much.

Love you!

--K8tie Payne!

Dear Mum and Dad,

I would first like you to know how extremely sorry K8tie and I are for leaving all of you, it was just something that K8tie and I had to do. Years have now passed and even though we don't talk as much as we used to I wanted to let you all know that we're fine. We moved on. We are now in our 2nd year of college and it is wonderful here, both of us are doing well in school, and we've made a lot of new friends.

One of the reasons I have written this letter is because I wanted to ask you for a favor? If that's okay.

Okay I know how everyone wanted K8tie and Harry to be together. I know K8tie has feeling for this boy, I swear. You can see it in her eyes when one of your songs are on the radio, or when we're in the cafe down the street and One Direction is on the news, just by sitting next to her I can tell she's in love.

Okay so because I'm the good girl, and because I'm Louis' daughter. I just have to bring our family together, because I miss you guys, all of you.

I was wondering if I could borrow Harry for a few weeks? Just get him on a plane down here, and i'll do the rest, and I promise he'll be coming back home with a new girlfriend, named K8tie Payne.

I love you all and miss you.

- Claire Tomlinson.

Cleo and I made an effort to send mail home to the boys and our friends every month. It wasn't going as well as we had planned though. Courtney and Pink had run off to college too! They were in an arts school in the UK though. Pink was an artist and Court was a musician as she always planned. We got a painting from Pink every month! This month I got a drawing of a guitar and Cleo got a painting of a lion laying on a rock in the shape of an upside down was a joke. C and then leo as in lion. I laughed when Cleo showed it to me.

"Hey....It's almost summer....Wanna go see the boys?" Cleo asked me one day. "Sure! You know how I love them! I mean, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Lou, they're awesome! Plus, I love my dad!" I said. "What about Harry?" Cleo asked. "Hmm...Harry? Name doesn't ring a bell." I said. "Oh c'mon! Give it a rest K8! I know you like him and I know your mad at him for some unknown reason, but that was 5 years ago!!! Can't you give him a chance?!?!" Cleo asked....well, she more demanded than asked. "No." I said simply.

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