A song to make you blush

Beginne am Anfang

Everyday, classes seemed intriguing and captivating to her. But, this was different today. Every class seemed longer. It seemed that the school would not break today. Boredom and monotony surrounded her by all means. She was asking time the boy who sat next to her. With due fear, the boy answered everything. At first, Henrietta felt that fear was a bit dramatic and comedic as the fear was invalid. But, soon she started getting this fear as a humiliation to herself, great embarrassment.

At last, it was the break time. The bell rang and the teacher went off. All the students started running toward the play field whilst some of them started gossiping with each other all their meal boxes on lap.

Henrietta didn't know what to do. Mom had packed sandwiches for her she didn't get the mood to eat them up. She leaned back on the chair and brought out a brail storybook to read. Touching all the ups and downs of the rough brail page, she read the story.


There was a stupid rusty sound. Henrietta was disgusted. She tried to concentrate on the storybook. But, that sound didn't stop. It grew closer. That sound was of some sort of musical instruments, she understood. It was really usual to bring some musical instruments in the classroom. Maybe, someone required to be cheered up by close friends. Or, maybe, someone's girlfriend was sad that he came forward to sign her a sweet song.

There was a whole gang of boys. Henrietta guessed it from their whispers. They were discussing about something with a low volume voice.

Henrietta didn't imagine what was going to happen next. The incident that took place in a interval of a few seconds could get Henrietta blown up totally. There was the voice of a boy,maybe the gang leader.

"Hello, my junior friends! I hope you all are doing well. But only one among you is not so well. She is too sad and depressed. And, I believe that you guys took care of her greatly. But, my mind forgot to remind me that it was a bad idea to come here and sing a song to her to cheer her up and make her feel that we all love her."

There was a huge round of applause. They all cheered for him. "Go, senior Michael. Go!"

Henrietta knew it was that nice guy, Michael. This gut helped her most reach her classroom on the very first day of her school. He was cool, Henrietta nodded to herself. She wondered who that lucky girl was to whom Michael would sing a song to make her happy. That was meant to be such a girl who was surrounded by only happiness and good fate. What a destiny! Such cute guys like Michael would be singing song to her just because he cared! Amazing life. Those girls, maybe never had seen a single bit of sorrows.

Even if a girl who was sunk in sorrows got sung a song from this adorable guys, would have been so happy.

"Guitars checked. Josh, the violin's okay?"

"Yes, Mic. Its alright."

Michael sat down on a chair and tapped on the guitar string for few times. A beautiful melody released from his strings and reached to everybody's heart. The sound was mystical, a wispy and sugar coated noise created in the guitar was felt by everyone, especially Henrietta.

*Guitar chords playing*

Staring at my empty notebook

I couldn't find the right words to say

One look from you is all that it took

Oh, you left me in disarray

I started filling these pages

With the words and the phrases

To create you a perfect friends song to say

It shouldn't take too long to make it a perfect day

A perfect song to show you how I feel seeing you sad

To let you know that this is real and it feels so bad

A song to make you blush

For my adorable crush

A song to make you smile

Even if it's for a little awhile


So, girl! Don't be sad open up your mind

Don't blame, the rest of the world is blind.

I can't see you crying,

I ain't see you crying.


I can't bring roses to say that I like you,

I ain't dance in the rain to say I adore you.

But, believe in me,

I saw you once in the principal's room,

I knew then you're nothing but a flowers bloom.

I saw your eyes sparkle with magic,

You say you don't need eyes to see,

But, I knew it was tragic

To never happen to read the Sands of Dee.


o, girl! Don't be sad open up your mind

Don't blame, the rest of the world is blind.

I can't see you crying,

I ain't see you crying.

I just wanna see you, (guitar chords) smile.

Everyone stood in silence for a couple of seconds. Then, they burst in applaud. The dong was really amazing. Girls were looking at each other trying to figure out who deserved this sweet and cheesy song whom they needed to envy. Boys were being jealous on the creativity of Michael on writing such beautiful love song.

A/N: The song is a little modified but the original song was written by @PrussianLion. Thanks a lot to her for writing me such an outstanding amazing suitable song.

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