Chapter 24

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Jess P.O.V

I was shocked by the kiss. It was terrifying but also exciting. But if I'm being honest with myself a small part of me did miss Andy, like a lot but another part of me wanted I let him go plus he was dating Juliet, still is dating her. I Don't think we should do anything while he's dating her, yes I do hate her with a passion. Mainly because she likes to be all over Andy when I'm near even last year she would do that and I let jealousy over come me.

"Jess?" Andy's voice interrupted my deep thinking. I looked up in his crystal blue eyes which pierced me.

"Um..." I forgot my words. As cheesy as it must sound I was lost in his beautiful eyes. He had that effect on me.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't. It's just-I don't think we should be kissing and stuff while your dating Juliet."

He sighs. "I know...but I still love you."

I freeze. He just said the L word.

"Oh." I just say. Did I really just say oh?! I'm dumb as fuck.

"Oh?" He asks.

"Sorry I just wasn't expecting the L word...."

"The L word?" He chuckles. I gently shove him.

"I haven't heard that in a long time."

"Same." He sighs.

"Juliet doesn't say she loves you?" I ask with a confused expression.

"Barely." He looks down with a sad expression. I can't help but feel pity for him. I grab a hold of his chin and kiss him without thinking. My brain starts to realize what I'm doing so I quickly pull away but he grabs my wrists and pulls me towards him.

"Andy we can't."

"But you taste so sweet." He says seductivly. I

"Fuck you." I say then give in.


Me and Andy walk to the bus. We were talking about stupid stuff but that's what we always do.

"So tonight was actually enjoyable." I say. He smiles.

"It was." He holds onto my waist and pulls me towards him.

"So..." I say.

"So what?"

"What are we gonna do now?"

"I don't know but I know that I like you way more than Juliet."

"Cause she's a bitch." I laugh and he nods in agreement. I turn around ten open the bus door. It was quiet as a mouse, huh that's a little weird.

"The boys are officially missing." He sighs.

"I'll call Ash." I sigh then take out my phone. I scroll through my contacts and finally find him. I put the phone to my ear and wait for his answer.

"Hey jesss" I hear him slur. Oh god I think he's drunk.

"R u drunk?" I ask in a motherly tone.

"N-No-" I get cut off by CC taking the phone.

"Sorry he's a little tipsy."

"Guys we have to be on the bus at 9 okay"

He sighs and agrees. I hang up the phone. Andy looks at me for an answer.

"He's dunk but they have to be here at 9."

"Okay mom." He chuckles.

"Who else will be the responsible one? You?" I laugh.

"I can be!"

"K." I say sarcastically.

"I'm older, and taller." He says while towering over me. I go on my tippie toes, to try to reach him but I can only get to his chin. Wow I should grow.

"That's what I thought shorty." He smiles. I smile sweetly and flip him off. He chuckles.

"Hey." He says swoop sky which gets my attention. "We're alone." He smirks.

"Oh no...what are you thinking?" I ask. He smiles again. "Andy-" he picks me up and throw me over his shoulder. He laughs while I yell to put me down. He sits me down on a bed. But it wasn't a bunk. Andy hovers over me looking down at me while I lay on the bed. My heart starts to beat really fast, I'm feeling really nervous.

"What are you doing?" I ask without thinking.

"Nothing." He smiles. He kisses me and lays besides me instead which makes me less nervous.

"I didn't know there was a bed here."

"It's a new van, so new things."

"But who's bed is this?" I ask. I look at him and catch him looking at me.

"No ones really we sometimes take turns in it." He says. He turns and lays on his side. I turn myself to look at him.

"I'm tired." I sigh.

"Me too."

"You need rest too because you have a show tomorrow." I yawn. I began to drift along while Andy holds me.

Fuck I wish I had Andy in rl

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