Meeting the Family

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Lloyd walked into the hallway, holding (Y/N) tightly. Kai walked in with a big smile, which quickly faded when he saw what Lloyd was holding. "Lloyd...? Why do you have a kid with you??"

Lloyd set (Y/N) down-- his shoulder was killing him for some reason-- when Kai's look very quickly changed from confusion to horror. "LLOYD!! Your shoulder!! What happened?!"

Lloyd twisted his head to see his left shoulder, and was slightly surprised to see it covered in an almost black substance before remembering that (Y/N)'s mother had nearly shot him. Somehow he had forgotten.

Kai's shout did not go unnoticed, and soon the foyer was filled with people fussing over his shoulder and asking what was wrong. Lloyd tried to explain, but his head was spinning from all the questions being asked.

Suddenly something tugged at his side, and he looked down to see (Y/N), surprisingly, hugging a large white box with a red plus sign painted onto it-- the first aid box! He hadn't even seen her move, to be really honest.

"Sit down!" she ordered, pointing at the floor. Lloyd sat down puzzledly, before she carefully pulled away his shirt sleeve and started wiping off the blood with a cloth. There seemed to be a lot.

A few times, as she rubbed some ointment into his wound (it stung) and then wrapped a white bandage around it, Kai, Jay, or his father opened their mouth to interrupt. Each time, Lloyd put his finger to his mouth so they wouldn't distract (Y/N). For a five year old girl, she really knew what she was doing.

"Aannnd done!" she said happily, sitting back to admire her work.

"Thanks... but how did you know how to...??" Lloyd asked, confused. (Y/N) smiled prettily. "Well I sometimes scraped my knee, so Mommy taught me how to fix myself."

Her eye caught something, as she leaned forward to whisper, "Who's that??"

Lloyd looked where she was looking, to see his mother watching them baffledly. "Oh... that's my mom..." he said, slowly, unsure where she was trying to go.

(Y/N) turned to face Misako, staring at her for what seemed like a very long time, before she smiled and giggled. "You're pretty!"

Misako made a slight sound of surprise, before she smiled-- a genuine smile, with her eyes crinkling up at the edges. "Thank you."

"Can you guess who that is??" Lloyd asked softly, jerking his head at his father. (Y/N) squinted at him for a grand total of three seconds before accurately guessing, "Your daddy."

"How'd you know that??" Zane asked, scratching his head slightly.

(Y/N) merely giggled before pointing at Lloyd's hair. "Their hair is the exact same style!!"

"Good job. Who's that??" Lloyd asked, pointing at Sensei Wu.

(Y/N)'s face went blank as she stared at him for a moment before turning to Lloyd. "Your grandpa??"

Kai, Jay, and Cole practically exploded with laughter, although it was quickly silenced by Sensei Wu sharply smacking them on the back of the head with his staff. Lloyd covered his mouth and coughed slightly.

"Hehe, um, no, that's my uncle," he said, awkwardly. She blinked before smiling. "Okie!" She pointed at Kai suddenly. "What's Mr. Porcupine's name??"

An explosion of laughter from everyone in the corridor, even Zane. Kai squinted at her, although his lips were twitching up at the corners. "Hold up, did the little kid just call me a porcupine??"

"That's-- *cough*-- that's Kai," Lloyd replied, grinning despite his attempts not to.

"OK... is the girl with amber eyes his sister then??" (Y/N) guessed, pointing at Nya.

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