I rolled my eyes and kissed him lightly "Well yes that would be amazing."

He smiled wildly at me and kissed me passionately.



"Hey Emma listen it's been months since I saw you. I miss you, talking to you. Please, please, call me back." I sighed and hung up the phone

I hadn't seen Emma since she found out about Rachel. Not even in school. Someone said that they heard that she moved to a different state. Would she really leave without saying good-bye? I mean we were still friends right?

I sighed and walked out of my room to find dad asleep on the couch. He's been a lot better, I don't know what changed, but I rather not question it.

I smiled and grabbed the chocolate covered strawberries that I made last night from the fridge. Today was Rachel's 20th year, that's how she puts it.

I ran down to the beach and into the cave just as a head popped up out of the water.

"Hey you." I smiled at me green-eyed mermaid

She smiled back "Good morning. What are those?" she nodded toward the container I was holding.

"it's a surprise." I said as she pulled herself up onto the side of the pool.

Even tho she wasn't human (exactly) she sure had a personality of one.

I sat next to her "Close your eyes."

She laughed and closed her eyes.

"Now open your mouth." I said grabbing a strawberry from the container

She did.

"Now bite."

She bit down on the berry hear a little crunch.

She smiled and opened her eyes "Mhmmm."

I bit the rest of it "Happy birthday."

She smiled and kissed me her lips tasted of strawberries and chocolate. She always made my heart beat and my head whirl when she kissed me.

She looked down at the container eyes begging. I chuckled and fed her another one.

We finished them in a few minutes. She placed the last stem in the container and snuggled close to my chest. She was wearing my shirt again because she decided to change to human.

I leaned my cheek on top of her head "I love you."

"I love you more." she replied

"I love you most." I cooed stroking her hair

We stayed like that for a bit, them she lifted her head.

"Did you get me a present?" she asked hope glittering in her eyes

"Present? Why do you need a present?" I asked teasingly "O that one. I can't tell you. It's a secret."

Rachel raised her eyebrows at me "I can make you tell me."

I shook my head "You think so?"

She grinned seductively and pushed me back so she was straddling me. She leaned down to kiss me then stopped inches from my lips. Her breath was on her face. She looked so beautiful.

I raised and eyebrow at her and she gave me that grin again. Suddenly she started grinding her hips against me. An unwanted moan escaped my lips.

She smiled "Tell me."

I shook my head. Damn she knows how that makes me feel.

She started kissing my shoulder, still working her hips. She kissed up my neck and to my face getting closer and closer to my lips. They wanted her lips.

She grinned harder making me moan again as she kissed my cheek and kept going to the left until....

She stopped inches from my lips and suddenly rolled off of me and sat like nothing had happened.

"That wasn't nice." I mumbled

She grinned "Maybe I'll finish what I stared after you tell me."

I sighed "But I wanted to surprise you. Can't you wait?"

She smiled "Sure, I'm not going to finish what I started till I get it."

"You're so stubborn." I said kissing her cheek "But I love you anyway."

"Damn right." she smiled "I'm the best thing that's happened to you, since sliced bread."

I raised an eyebrow "Sliced bread?"

She chuckled "Hey I'm special."

I kissed her the tip of her noes "Yes you are."

"I love you." she said kissing me

"Love you more." I said kissing her back


Hey people!!!! :D I hope you guys like this chapter. I wanted to get a lot of Rachel+Will time in a whole chapter. So I hope you guys like the lovey dovey stuff (o well if you don't. Sorry :/ )

O I just got a great idea for a twist its probably not going in till the chapter after the next one. O btw what do u guys think of Emma? What do you think she'll do? Hmmm and what about the dead line? Hmmmm this story is doing OK in my opion but please if you like it tell your friends to comment and vote too :) thanks

P.S. I am obsessed with feedback. Just telling you so it doesn't sound like I'm begging :/

Ok I'm done rambling. :D Bye-bye

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