15 I could always tell my parents hated me.

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(I couldn't fit the whole chapter name x.x)

15 I could always tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.

   14 Days

     We're walking to my apartment. Oh no. They don't know about Mikey. They will tell him everything. I don't want him to know, he'll know I'm a monster. He'll tell them all. They'll leave me, and I'll be alone again. Eeeeh, they don't like me having any relationships. While I was growing up, I only brought home a couple guys... and maybe a few girls. But my parents don't like the thought of me being so close to someone. They are right though, It's more likely then not that I'll end up killing them. Lovely.

        I call Mikey. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Jesus, Mikey, answer already. Finally, I hear "Hello?" I hear very loud singing coming from his side... "What are you doing?!"  "Oh, it's just Frank" Oh, . "Oh my lord," Oh no, I must sound weird. Mom is looking at me strangely. "Don't worry, " he laughs. "Oh... anyway. I'm on my way home. You need anything?" it's silent for a moment. "Um.... not that I know of, no." Why are we always so stocked up on supplies?! "Oh. Well, is the place a wreck?" oh no, mom and dad are whispering to each other. "Not particularly. I guess it's normal" thank the lord. "Alright then, see you soon." I hang up.

        Slow lift, please break down. Please let the cable break, PLEASE LET US PLUMMET TO OUR DEATHS. Oh god, we didn't plummet. The doors open.

        I step out, then walk to my apartment. Mom and Dad look very surprised that my door is unlocked. I don't think they were even expecting what was waiting. Which was, Frank sitting on my couch, with Maddie on his lap, they were both singing "I'm not okay" while it was playing on the stereo. And Mikey was sitting alone in the loveseat reading a comic.

        Oh lord. She's definitely surprised.

When Maddie and Frank see Mom and Dad, they stop singing and Maddie jumps down next to Frank. Mikey just looks up from his comic, then continues reading.  They walk inside tentatively, I close the door behind them. Then awkwardly walk in the living room and turn the stereo off. Mikey stands up and sets the comic down. He kisses me on the cheek and hugs me. "Hi, Dakota," he walks away, to the kitchen.

        Do they even notice Mom and Dad?? are they just a hallucination??!?!?! I narrow my eyes at mom "Dakota?" "Mum, are you real?" she nods, slowly. I sigh in relief, "Thank the lord" Maddie and Frank are giggling and watching us. "Oh, Mum, Dad, this is Madeline and Frank" Maddie and Frank both wave. Mom smiles, a fake smile, through her teeth. "Pleasure. Katherine, and this is David. " Mom looks around the apartment disapprovingly, "Dakota, we thought you'd improve once you got older..." oh, no. "But this is almost exactly the same as your bedroom. All you're missing is a David Bowie poster" It went silent for a few moments, but the silence is interrupted by Frank laughing his head off.

        Oh no, am I blushing?! I don't blush! I just don't!

Mikey hugs me from behind,

"Katherine, David..."

I giggle

"this is Mikey"

        So, mum and dad will be back later for dinner. They just went to get settled in their hotel room. I have to deal with them for a week. I'm glad I work for most of the time. I don't think they'll stalk me while I'm at the funeral home, but they probably will when I'm working in the arts and crafts store. I'm so glad that I get to be mortuary technician. At some point, when we're back from tour, I'll become an actual mortician. Yay!

        When I walk back inside, Maddie had gotten back on Frank's lap, and they were whispering to each other. Mikey was back to reading his comic. I sigh and lean against the door. Mikey sets his comic down, and walks to me. He hugs me and kisses me. "Nice folks. Demolition Lovers?" I shake my head, "Maybe the name is right, but they hate each other. And it's my fault." I push him away, then walk to the kitchen to get something to drink.

        He leans in the doorway. "Everyone says that, but it's never true..." he waits. I don't respond, so he continues. "Anyway... why would you think that?"

        Oh no, I have to tell him now. I can't make any excuses.

"It's the truth though..." I sigh, "I really should have told you this a long time ago..." God, the way he's looking at me. It makes me want to break out into tears. "Dakota... What haven't you told me?" I just shake my head.

"I'm quite extremely schizophrenic, and I tried to kill my brother. I've been in four different mental institutions."


"I hope I never hurt you, Mikey. I would never be able to live with myself."


"I never should have gotten so attatc-"

he puts his fingers to my lips.

"I don't care. I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets."

He smiles.

I hug him,

"You had to, didn't you?"

He grins and hugs me tightly.

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