Part 22: The Countdown (Day 4)

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The sun rose and made the clouds look like cotton candy. A cold breeze came in and went through the house, giving everyone chills and waking them up.
"That was a  abrupt waking!" Summer said stretching.
"It is surprisingly cold today for it being warm this week!" Daniele said shivering.
"Everyone I know it is cold today.. So I got you guys some sweaters.. Today we are gonna go to the backyard and make our weapons and armor for tomorrow."
"Weapons! Armor! Daniele?" Steven said looking at Daniele.
"Don't even repeat it Steven.. I smiled right when I heard weapons." Daniele smiled.
"You like weapons!?" Matt looked surprisingly at Daniele.
"Of course she does! At school she sometimes looks at weapons on the computer just with a big smile on her face!" Summer said.
"Hehe... Uh.. Yeah.." Daniele said rubbing her neck.
"I think we all like weapons here." Tony said. "Lets just admit that today will be pretty cool.
"I KNOW WHAT IMMA MAKE!!" Daniele shouted. She got up quickly and ran out to the back yard. Everyone got up and followed her. "Tigey! I want black armor with a small strip of the arms, at the bottom, and the crew neck to be gold.. I want it strong armor.."
"Okay! I can make that for you! What do you want your weapon to be?" Tigey asked.
"I want the handle to have 6 stones, each to represent the elements, and I want to be able to transfer only my powers to the blade to use it!" Daniele responded
"Okay! What shape do you want your stones? And what order?"
" I want the stone in the shape of a Diamond, but the fire and nature stone to be Diamond shaped, Fire at the top and Nature at the bottom.. and all the stones together shape a kite.."
"What order from fire to nature?" Tigey asked, making a mental note.
"Fire, Earth, wind, dark, light, and nature."
"Okay. got it! Long blade or short?"
"Medium long blade.. One that will me almost impossible to break.. However I want it to be light enough to swing and carry."
"I will get it done!" Tigey said with a smile. Daniele turned around and saw everyone starring.
"What??" Daniele said curiously.
"Tigey!? Can I have the same thing as Daniele?" Matt said.
"Wait! We can all have the same thing! And we can all have helmets that a strip around the face is gold as well! We can be a team!" Daniele shouted with excitement. Everyone stood there, silent, thinking.
"I agree!" Summer said.
"So do I!" Matt said.
"Same here!" Tony agreed.
"Yeah!" Steven said.
"Okay! I will make everyone the same body armor. Now shoo shoo leave me be to work! Go practice your powers!" Tigey said shooing them away. Everyone turned and went into the house. 
"I don't really feel like doing anything... We should just relax today since we are kinda sore." Daniele said sitting down by the front door.
"Yeah same here." Tony said sitting down. The rest followed and sat down close to the door.
"Besides.. It is too cold for me to practice.. I will just freeze up and get a serious cold." Daniele said.
"I love the cold but this is a little too cold for me." Matt agreed shivering. Daniele made a blanket and covered him up.
"Here.. Use this to warm up.." Daniele smiled.
"Thanks!" Matt said with a smile. 
"Anyone else want a blanket?" Daniele asked looking around, but no one raised a hand. "Okay then." Daniele curled up and started to shiver.
"Come here." Matt said as he pulled her closer to him. "Come under the blanket and get warm." Matt invited her in by opening up the blanket.
"That was meant for you though."
"I know but I don't mind sharing with you." Matt pulled her closer and covered her up in part of the blanket. Daniele turned to him and smiled.
"Thank you." 
"Welcome. I have no problem sharing.." Matt smiled. He quickly looked around and looked back at her.
"What is wrong?" Daniele asked.
"I was just looking around.. just to do this really quick.." Matt looked around once more and leaned down and quickly kissed Daniele on her lips. He pulled away and smiled.
"You didn't have to do that." Daniele blushed.
"I know.. but not only did I wanna do it.. I know how warm you get when you get shy and blush." Matt smiled and hugged her. "I love your warmth and I just wanted to feel the warmth again." Daniele smiled and hugged back and Matt hugged back tighter, holding her closer.
"Can we just make one big huge blanket, get some bean bags, somehow get a TV in here and some popcorn.. Perfect relax!" Summer said.
"I actually like that idea! Lets do that!" Daniele said happily. Daniele got up, and she bad a bigger blanket, made some bean bag chairs, popped up a nice flat screen TV, and made some night buttery popcorn. "Okay everyone, sit down and get comfty!"
"Daniele it is comfy! Comfy!" Matt said smiling.
"Yeah well all my life I couldn't say that.. I still can't without stuttering it.. I always say comfty.." Daniele smiled back and sat next to him. Summer got up and sat bye Daniele, Steven and Tony sat at the end. They all covered up and passed popcorn around. Daniele magically turned on the TV and they watched a funny movie. They laughed and talked, relaxing and having a good time. Half way through the movie Tigey comes in.
"Hey guys! I am done with your armor and weapons! Come look, they turned out great!" Tigey waved them over and they all got up. They followed Tigey to the back to see all of the armor completely done.
"Tigey! These look amazing!" Daniele said.
"I made them to the best of my ability.. I made it out of really strong metal.. It isn't metal known to this planet, It is stronger and lighter than any metal on this planet.. The gems are specialized to only be wield by the person who puts their powers into it first.."
"What type of metal is it?" Steven asked.
"It is called Fairthium.. It is stronger, durably, and lighter than any metal on this planet.. I even put some of the gems, in smaller form of course, to be inside the armor. Go ahead! Choose your armor! Ladies first!" Tigey moved out of the way of the armor and swords. Daniele and Summer slowly walked up to the table and picked out their armor and put it on. They walked over to the swords and picked out their favorite. "Okay.. Now what you wanna do is let your powers go through your body to activate the stones to only respond to you and only you and your powers." Tigey said. Daniele closed her eyes and held the sword out in front of her. She concentrated and focused and soon she saw the inside of her eyelids light up. She opened her eyes and saw the gems on her swords and armor are brightly lit up. Summer closed her eyes and does the same. Her gems also start lighting up and she opened her eyes and smiled.
"That is cool!" Summer said looking at Daniele.
"Yeah!" Daniele responded back as she gazed at the sword. 
"Okay! Now you three men can now choose yours.. Which ever speaks to you the most is the one you would want to pick." Steven, Matt, and Tony walk up to the tables and looked around. Steven picked up his armor and sword and put the armor on. The Tony and Matt picked theirs out and put their armor on. They did the same thing as Daniele first did. Matt's started glowing first, Then Tony's, and Steven's stuff was last.
"This is so cool! I never seen anything like this!" Matt said excited walking over to Daniele.
"Yeah!" Daniele backed and and started to slowly move her sword around. She thought for a second and swung her sword and pointed it at the tree. The blade started glowing and shot out a bright laser to the tree, leaving a burnt mark on the bark. "I knew it!"
"That was fucking awesome!" Steven shouted. Everyone made their distant and did the same thing towards the tree. All the blades gave off a soft glow, slightly a different color, and shot a laser out of the tip of the blade hitting the tree.
"That is really cool!" Matt said amazed.
"The gems on the armor and sword helps you control your powers more accurately."
"Okay! It just got cooler!" Tony said.
"Okay guys! You will be able to really use these tomorrow! Take off your armor and put them inside the house on the nearest wall by the back door.. When you wake up, eat, and get your armor."
"How will we know which one is ours?" Summer asked.
"When you touch your armor the gems should give off a really soft glow.. The glow will always be there until you use your powers, then it will glow very brightly."
"Okay then." Daniele said. Everyone went inside and took off their armor and set down their swords. They went over by the bean bags and went underneath the covers.
"Goodnight everyone!" Summer said.
"Goodnight.." Everyone responded at the same time. Everyone closed their eyes and tried to go to sleep. The sun set very quickly and the stars came out. The moon, however, never showed itself. The night slowly crept by minute by minute feeling like an hour, giving everyone rest they need. The crickets nightly noises gave everyone the stress free sleep and the feeling of safety. The grass and the leaves of the trees made a soft rustling noise in the wind. The night was peaceful.

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