Part 1: Biology Class

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The biology teacher just got the students started on a quick writing essay. The room is silent all except the sound of the students typing. The teachers walk around the room examining all the screen. A boy with medium length brown hair turns to his friend and lightly tapped her foot with his foot. She glanced at him with annoyance.
"Hey Daniele?" The boy asked
"What ." Daniele whispered scornfully.
"What if we had the power to spawn whatever we want?"
"That.....that would actually be kinda cool! " Daniele said with interest.
"I would make infinite pizza!"
"Keep your voice down! We are gonna get in trouble! And I am pretty sure you can do better than make infinite pizza." Daniele said.
"Well you will be able to make a teleporter!" He said. Daniele stares blankly at the screen. She glances at the boy.
"I can teleport to VidCon, all the Pax,I could go anywhere. "
"What?!" The boy asked in suspicion.
"A place where people.. Mostly gamers and youtubers.. Or people who like those two.. Meet up and hang around?" Daniele said.
"Oh yeah!"
"Oh my god! What if we had that, and all the powers in the world?!" Daniele said in excitement. The class slowly got louder and they began talking more.
"That would be awesome!"
"We could fly anywhere! We could fly!"
"We can stop robberies!"
"Steven!? I am pretty sure the government would be after us! They would take us to Area 51 and do experiments on us!"
"They would strap us in chairs and make us take tests."
"But what if we can control our powers. The test would be reading nothing! They are gonna get so confused!" The teacher walks over to the to the two teens.
"Are you guys working? Are you guys researching about the brain?"
"Uh yeah. We are!" Daniele and Steven said.
"Ok you better be working. I will check on you guys later."
"Ok." Daniele said and turned around. The teacher walked away and looked at the other computers.
"Watch they are gonna let us go after all those test! Watch as soon as we go out I am going to spawn an ice cream cone and fly away!"
"I am gonna spawn pizza!"
"What is up with you and pizza right now?!"
"I don't know!"
"They are just gonna look out the windows and pass out!" Daniele started laughing."Ok we need to get this done." She starts to type her essay.
"We can stop robberies, and fly in the sky and teleport everywhere."
"I would just be flying everywhere. On warm days, I would probably be flying in the sky above my house."
"Well wouldn't you get lost?"
"Not if you flying over your house it isn't"
"Well that is one thing, but you gonna bring too much focus on yourself!"
"It's not real! If this was real, I would be invisible doing it, duh. Now I am going to get my work done." Daniele began to type.
"I wish I had the power to get this done." Steven began to touch the computer screen. He then began to poke the screen
"Ok I would admit, not only would that be nice, but it would make life so much easier." They continued typing their essay. 30 minutes go by and it is silent. Daniele gets done with 5 paragraphs and submits it, as the boy is still trying to think. The day goes by hour by hour making it feel like ages. Everyone goes home laughing and happy. When nighttime comes, all the houses light turn off and everyone have a nights worth of rest and peace. Daniele,Ashley, and Steven all walked out of there houses and gather together by a nearby pond. They talk for a few and head off by a meadow on top of the hill that they live by.

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