Part 9: Beached

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Everyone woke up to the sound of helicopters flying around. They slowly, but quickly, woke up to see what is happening. Steven gets up and looks out the hut and seeing helicopters close to the island. He puts his head back in and looks around.
"Well apparently the Government is here and now they are searching around for us." He said calmly.
"Holy Hell!!" Summer screamed."What are we gonna do!? They are gonna catch us!"
"Ok now everyone calm down! We can get out of this!" Tigey said.
"I think I know how!" Daniele raised her hand up.
"What do you think we should do?" Summer asked.
"We turn invisible and sneak into the ocean and swim to shore back to civilization where we blend in." Daniele explained. Everyone looked at her in awe.
"That is completely different from what I was thinking." Tigey said.
"That is actually a great idea." They the men screaming and footsteps everywhere.
"Lets go now! We need to get out!" Daniele grabbed Tigey and Summer's wrist and started to take them to the entrance. They all turned invisible and slowly got out of the hut. As they got out they gathered into one circle.
"Ok so what we are gonna do is that we are gonna sneak past the guards and go into the ocean."
"So we just stay invisible until we get into the ocean?" Steven asked.
"Yes. Now lets go."
"Wait what if they see us somehow?" Summer grabbed Daniele's shoulder.
"We run for it, and hope we make it into the ocean."
"Ok.....Let's hope this works." Summer signed. They slowly got up and began to slowly walk towards the shoreline. They stop quickly as a man coated in armor jolts past them. They let out a big breath and continue on. All of the guards have gone into the forests. As the last man gets off the ladder Steven steps on a twig. They all stop as the man looks in their direction. He looks around, shrugs, and walks into the forest. Everyone looks at Steven in anger and continue on. When they reach the shoreline they all stop.
"Ok....Summer you go first." Daniele pointed to her and then the ocean.
"Why aren't you going first?" Summer asked.
"I am gonna be watching for other guards to make sure they don't see us." Daniele looks at Steven in anger.
"Ok.." Ashley slowly walked in."Holy crap it is cold!!"
"Just go in!"
"Someone count on three."
"How about I just push you. You will warmer quicker."
"I don't......" Steven pushes her into the ocean and he jumps in after.
"Um....What just happened?" Daniele looked at Tigey in confusion.
"I have know idea." Tigey said. Tigey walked into the ocean and Daniele followed. They all swam towards the beach. When they got out Summer was shivering and panting. Daniele and Tigey got out second and Steven was last. Summer quickly walked over to Steven and punch his in the stomach. He fell down with his hand over his stomach.
"Never!!!! Push me into the cold water!!!Again!!" She said angrily. Steven tried to catch his breath. Summer walked over to Daniele and Tigey.
"Wow Ashley! That was amazing!" Daniele said happily.
"I agree!" Tigey said. Tigey leaned in and whispered." To tell the truth.. I was waiting for someone to do that."
"You're welcome." Summer said happily
"I was gonna do that sooner or later.." Daniele said crossing her arms. Steven got up and slowly walked over with his hand still on his stomach.
"You look well." Daniele said sarcastically. Steven looked at her angrily."Hey, you are the one that decided to push her into the water!" Daniele put her hands up.
"She wouldn't go into the water."
"Doesn't mean you push then. As a matter of fact, I am glad she punched you! I have been wanted you to get punched so much!" Daniele said angrily.
"You want me to get punched!?" Steven screamed." Then you punch me!"
"You want me to punch you!?"
"Yeah!! Do it! As hard as you can!" Steven screamed. Daniele punched Steven in the face. He fell down onto the sand. As a small crowd forms around them Summer is blocking the way.
"It's ok they are just talking! Everything is fine! Just go about your business!" Everyone slowly turned and walked away, turning there head towards them to make sure they were okay. Summer turned around and walked to Daniele.
"Why did you just punch him?" Summer whispered.
"He told me to!" She said putting her arms out.
"But why would you?"
"He was getting me mad! And when he told me to punch him.............I couldn't deny that opportunity."
"I wouldn't turn that down either!" Tigey agreed. Summer glanced at her.
"Well what are we gonna do now? He is passed out on the sand." Summer asked.
"I say we leave him." Daniele said looking at him.
"He is holding us back! He almost got us caught back there by stepping on a stick!" Daniele answered.
"That doesn't mean leave him!"
"Yes it does! Look there is a cave right over there. We drag him, and put him in there and leave him! Simple as that!"
"I think it would be the best for us and him. He doesn't even want the powers. If we just leave him here, he can choose whether or not to find us. He can choose to have a somewhat normal life. If the powers aren't used enough....the radiation will wear out and he will be powerless. So he can choose to have no powers or to have powers." Tigey explained.
"But we can't just leave him like this. What if she hit him so hard he forgets?"
"I DIDN'T EVEN HIT HIM THAT HARD!! That is the thing!" Daniele said.
"But what if you did?" Ashley asked.
"Summer...." Daniele put her hand on her face." I didn't even hit him that hard...He shouldn't of even fell..."
"He should know how to take a punch though."
"When he is in fights, he uses a weapon! Big difference!"
"But you shouldn't punch someone! I know everyone wants to punch him!"
"Exactly! He told me to punch him! So I did!" Daniele said loudly
"Can we just put him into the cave and be on with our lives?!" Tigey said
"But it is mean!" Summer said.
"Then don't help us! Tigey, grab and arm or leg!" Tigey got up and her hind legs and grabbed his arms, and Daniele grabbed his legs. They pick him up and slowly walk over to the cave. Summer runs after them and looks around to see if anyone is watching.
"We are almost there!" Summer screamed.
"No....Me and Tigey are! You aren't helping us at all!"
"I don't wanna be part of any of this." Summer said.
"Well ok. Don't be!" Daniele said. They stop when they reached the cave. They slowly climbed up the hot rock. They reach the cave and feel a rush of cold air hit them.
"Now!! We are here!" Daniele said looking into the cave.

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