Chapter 12

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Nicole's P.O.V.

"PLEASE! LETS WATCH THE VISIT!" I start to grab the remote but Jordan grabs it first and holds it away. "Well you have to do something first." He starts to lean I-

Whoever it was kept knocking. I swing the door open. "WHA-" I stand there in shock as my friends Haley and Austin are standing there. "GUYS WHAT AEE YOU DOING HERE!" I hug them and invite them in. "Jordan, this is my BESTFRIEND Haley and my friend Austin!" I hug them and show them to a spare room. "Well what do you want to do now that your friends are here?" He slumps on the couch. "I have no clue. What's wrong?"

"Jordan please tell me."

"I'm fine!"

"Okay..." I kiss him on the cheek and walk into Haleys room and jump onto her bed. " 'Sup Beeeyooooch!" She laughs and finishes unpacking as Austin walks in. "Hey Courtney me and Haley have something to tell you..." Jordan stands in the doorway. "Me and Haley are dating." I see that Haleys starts to smile "WE GOT YOU!" They high five and Jordan sits next to me. "Hi I'm Jordan..." I look at him. "Jordan what's on your mind?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can tell you want to say something. So say it!"

He stands up and pulls me in the kitchen. "Will you..." My heart starts to beat faster "Play Mario with me?" My heart feels like it shatters into pieces. "Sure!" I turn all happy an run into Haleys room telling Austin to leave for a second. I lock the door and I start to cry.

This love is Sweeto ( A Jordan Sweeto fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now