Chapter 15 - There's my confession.

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I hesitate between the two, "Georgina, Please just talk to me about this." I walk towards Matty and embrace him in a light hug, mostly to shut him up.

"I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye." I pull away and smile. We are centimeters apart. Two months ago, being this close to him, would have made my insides jump but now? I feel, almost, nothing.

"I just need to know why your going? For him?" Matty gestures towards Justin who is talking to Jaden. Matthew's eyes turn from a light chocolate brown to a dark color, filled with anger. They did that often when something made him angry. A reason the two of us got along so well was the fact that we both have extremely bad tempers. We knew how to handle one another. I don't know if I'll be able to be my complete self around Justin, my temper would most definitely scare him off. We all have our flaws. I won't pretend to be perfect.

Your just friends, so there's nothing to worry about.

"Don't get like that okay," I grab his hand, knowing it will relax him, "I'm doing this because it's what I've always wanted. I want to travel, I want to sing, I want to make music and Justin is giving me that opportunity. I'm tired of explaining that to everyone. I'm sorry but I'm leaving. There is nothing here for me anymore, I need that future, in America." That was the last time I'd explain that to anyone.

"There's nothing for you here? What about your family? Your friends? What about m-m-me?" Him? What about him? We aren't together anymore. He knows that.

"Well I won't be away forever," I felt a sense of sincerity in his voice and I was happy he still remembered the things I loved the most, "Matthew, I'm coming back in a damn month, chill. As for my family, They know about this and they know I'm coming back. Let me do this please. I don't want to leave us like this." I tilt my face, sympathetically, but my words come out harsh.

Matthew looks down, "And what about me?" He looks up.

"What about you?" I ask, taken back. He does not answer, "Matthew!" I raise my voice.

"Y-you have me to stay for. Stay for us." He says quietly. Oh hell no. Do not do this now boy.

"Us? Are you serious right now? You want me to stay for us?" I shout, catching Justin's attention. My voice is filled with irritation. I was beyond angry. He broke my heart, maybe I broke his slightly but he broke mine first and I tried to make things work, for months. I even suggested therapy which was beyond deranged since we were seventeen year olds who were crazy in love yet needed therapy. The point is, he was over it, he didn't even try. I was left hopelessly in love yet broken, and now? He wanted to try make us happen. Hell no. I'm finally moving on from that miserable place I was in. This is a new start for me.

"Yes! I'm damn serious. What we had, you aren't going to get that with him, with anyone!" And that was fine by me. That's not what this was. I wasn't leaving with Justin to try start a relationship with him.

I stare at him in shock. Was he really doing this right now?

"Well? What do you have to say?" Matthew interrupts my stare. I honestly just don't know what to say to him.

"Matthew, thanks for coming to say goodbye, hopefully our next hello will be better. You take care now, I'll see you soon." I gently kiss his cheek and I earn a death stare from you-know-who.

I turn away from Matthew, my heart slightly breaking when I hear, "please don't go Gi! I love you." It wasn't fair for him to do this to me. After all these months, I've loved him, he had moved on, now I'm trying to move on and he loves me. It doesn't make sense.

I walk towards Justin, my back to Matty while I ignore his pleads to stay. Just because I ignore him, doesn't change the fact that my heart is breaking.

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