The Best Way To Fall (Ziall AU)

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The Best Way To Fall - Prologue 

A/N: Oh god, don't even ask. 


"This is the 12th time, Niall. The Talkian is not something you can just use with out any of the Siderato's permission. I'm gonna have to consider taking legal action..." Judge Xander gave Niall an apologetic look. Niall lay his head down in shame. The Siderato had been at his back for years. He didn't know that it would get him into so much trouble –though this was his 12th time getting caught– he was always given a warning or they just ignored it saying that he was all innocent or young or just curious. You must be wondering what a 'Talkian' is correct? Well its magical device used by eligible, or older stars, such as the Siderato, to transport themselves to earth. It was rarely touched and it was used whenever some star asked what earth was like. They would be sent to earth and stay there for a week, coming back with mortified expression that only got Niall even more curious. Niall was eligible, he was responsible, he was trustworthy. You'd think that he'd be allowed, right? Wrong. He was forbidden. The Judge sighed confusingly at the young star, he didn't understand why Niall would want to walk amongst those mortals. They were just known for danger and trouble. But Niall didn't see them as trouble. He didn't see danger at all either. He saw smaller versions of the humans look into rectangular objects that contained small lettering inside, he saw humans go inside large structures to sit down and place things in their mouths, he even saw these beings sit in some strange chair and start grunting and a few minutes later he would see the mortal stand up and use their hands to press a button –or a handle, Niall found it weird how their were so many different shapes– and he would see that inside the weird machine was swirling water. Niall saw no danger.

But that was the sad part, Niall always watched. He didn't want to watch life. He wanted to experience it. Niall sighed, sadly. His chances have probably decreased even more now. The Judge's heart nearly broke at the sight, Niall sat on the seat with watery eyes, his lip quivering, his lips occasionally letting a small sob escape, it really showed how much he wanted to do this. The boy was not only a star, he was a special one. Electric blue eyes, blonde hair that shone brightly making it seem so white and soft as feathers, each facial feature as striking as the next. He only came once every million years. He was the sky's beloved jewel. He was precious. He was labeled the moon's son because the Moon was always the brightest object in the sky. But no, Niall outshone the Moon. Xander let out a shaky breath, he couldn't believe what he was actually going to do. "Niall, how about we have a deal?" The boy's head shot up, eyes bloodshot and puffy from tears, were now filled with hope. He wiped his tears away before the judge could continue. "I'll let you in the Talkian only if—" he was cut off by Niall's cheering, he smiled before continuing. "—if you come back from your visit with proof." Niall stopped jumping, his face contorted in confusion. "Proof?" He asked, his head tilting to the side. Judge Xander nodded. "What do I have to prove to you, your honour?" Niall asked, sitting back down in his seat. Though his exterior may seem calm, inside Niall continued screaming with excitement.  "Prove to me that humans aren't such dangers as you say they arent. Surely you see something in these mortals that we don't, Correct?" Niall nodded "Then prove it. I, for one, do not want you to go but if you are determined to walk amongst these beings, then so be it." He concluded with a warm smile. Niall jumped up again, grinning madly while pumping his fist. "Niall are you sure about this?, It is very dangerous. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to one of the moon's children. You are unique. You do know that, right?" The uncertainty returning on his face. Niall nodded, blushing lightly at the label. He, personally, didn't see anything special about him. To himself he was normal, but to everyone else.. he was treated like a god.

Xander's face remained doubtful. "Perhaps a certain someone could monitor our favourite star's process?" A familiar voice spoke from the back of the courtroom. "Ah, Liam! Care to accompany Niall on his adventure?" Judge Xander grinned at the idea. What better way to keep Niall safe? "Yes your honour" he bowed. Liam was Niall's friend, only friend. Niall was always scolded by Liam every time he spoke of his plans on using the Talkian, and said it was dangerous, but now it seems as if the tables have turned. The blonde hated him for that, always telling him what to do but he still loved him nonetheless. "Well then its settled! You will need to go into 3 days of preparation, then you shall fall. In the mean time, lets go over some rules." Niall gulped, as innocent as he may seem. He was the rule breaker. Him and rules weren't a very good match considering the current predicament he was in just a few minutes earlier, it could have possibly lead to jail. "One, don't talk to strangers. Two, Liam must always be at your side. However, he will be in the form of a beam so no humans can see him. But he shall only be present if necessary. Three, if there are any problems. Tell Liam. He's fallen before." That was another reason Niall hated about Liam, he had fallen before Niall did, the pale boy still didn't understand why he was so special. So what if he was? could he not do what normal stars did? Niall didn't bother to listen to the rest, he just stood there staring at the judge waiting for him to finish. "Okay then, Niall I will send you to a room, they're just gonna ask you some questions. Just while your still here can you please promise me one thing?" Niall looked up, his blue irises shining with euphoria, as he raises an eyebrow. "Be careful." Niall smiled genuinely and the Judge returned it.   

"I promise."    


A/N: why did i start a new fanfic? Idk, you get ideas in school okay. I've got 2 more that are being written. AGH. I'm sorry if you don't like it, it was mostly rushed but my excitement, yet again, got in the way. How was it? I kind of suck at prologues. Pahahah, might edit it later. Well I hope you enjoy for now! 'Siderato' are people like 'The Seraphirium' if you read Hidden Secrets then you would know what 'The Seraphirium' is! High ranking, noble, smart, old people. Pahaha.

Comment if you hate it because I know its bad so lets hate on it together.

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