Won't Go Home Without You

Start from the beginning

"Adam please you don't need to come over. I'm totally fine, the phone's battery died so I couldn't answer you back. Really just go home and rest. I bet you're tired from the concert." I silently prayed that he would just turn around and go back.

There was a long pause on the other side. Then I heard him sigh.

"Okay you take care of yourself and rest well. I still want to see you though and I feel as if you're avoiding me."

"No it's not that, I'm deeply sorry about tonight if there's any way I can make it up to you I will"

"There is one way. There's a party tomorrow, my farewell party. If you're feeling well I would love for you to attend it. I'll send a car over at 8? How does that sound?"

"Uh yeah that sounds fine"

"Alright I'll be looking forward to it and don't miss it this time or I'll just drop by at the hotel"

"You little stalker" I joked.

He laughed and then we said our good byes.

I needed to call Becca. .......................................................................................

"So whom are we invited by again?" Mark asked me tying his tie in the mirror.

"The company who oragnized the Maroon 5 concert, I told you the people who paid for the VIP tickets were invited to this party since it's Maroon 5's last day in the U.S before they head off to Europe" I lied through my teeth.

"I still find it hard to believe"

"Well it's happening so you better believe it" I shifted from one foot to the other.

"Yeah well, I find it hard to believe that Becca would arrange all this just for us"

"Why? Becca loves us" My furrowed together in confusion.

"Yeah but you know her, she doesn't show it very much"

I shrugged in return and did a once over in the mirror. I was wearing a long royal blue gown which had a slit that went up to my thigh. It was backless and had sparkles at the hem. I had my hair curled up in a bun and paired the look with silver stilletoes. Adam told me it was something similar to a red carpet event and all the celebrities would be there. Mark was in a black tux with his hair gelled and combed back. He looked fine.

"All the ladies would be all over you, I might get a little jealous" I teased.

"Well if any guy comes close to you I might just rip his eyes out" he stared into my eyes.

"Don't be so morbid"

"It's true, I love you Reece it's the night of our anniversary. I don't want anything to ruin it" He seriously told me.

I gulped at his serious tone and I suddenly felt suffocated by his words.

"Happy anniversay" I gave him a tight lipped smile and grabbed my clutch ready to head out.

Just as Adam stated it, there was a long black limo, with tinted windows waiting for us at the doors. I stepped in and was awed by the interior. It had chocolate brown leather seats and our very own MINI BAR! It sparked up a memory in my mind.

"Remember when we hired a limo for our prom!" I squeezed Mark's arm with excitement.

"Yeah it was shitty" he laughed at the memory.

"But that night was perfect" I sighed, "I can't believe it's been 5 years"

"Get ready for many more to come babe" He grinned.

Tangled LevineWhere stories live. Discover now