Chapter 5

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Draco had told Hermione to meet him outside the Slytherin common room that evening. She did as told and waited for him for exactly ten minutes. When the Slytherin common room door finally opened, she saw Draco walking out and Hermione's jaw dropped slightly. He looked absolutely handsome in his white and gold suit. His hair was left as it was. Messy platinum blonde. Hermione bit her lip as she walked towards him slowly. He looked so different since he wasn't in black, like he usually was. His suit totally matched Hermione's golden dress. It was like they planned to wear similar clothes. But the thing was, they didn't.
"Hey," Draco smiled he greeted Hermione. Hermione was taken aback a little. It was a real smile. Not a smirk, or a mean smile. For once.
"Hi," Hermione giggled a little.
"You looked-" Draco paused for a while as his eyes traced Hermione's clothing. He wanted to say stunning but he quickly stopped himself for doing so.
"Not too bad," he finished.
"You looked normal too," Hermione quickly replied. But her heart was thumping and her crimson red cheeks gave it all away. Draco held out his arm , waiting for Hermione to hook hers onto his.
"Oh.. um..." Hermione muttered as she did so awkwardly. The couple set off together towards the great hall, both were tensed and didn't utter a word.

No sooner, they reached the great hall. Excited students were dancing happily with their fellow partners. The enchanted ceiling was snow white. Literally. Christmas trees were placed all around the hall.
"Hey," Hermione felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around and saw Ginny. Hermione looked up at Draco and said, " Um.. I'm sorry.. can I have a talk with Gin? I'll be back soon." Without waiting for his reply, she hurried after Ginny to a secluded corner.
"What?" Hermione asked.
"You're going with Malfoy? What about my brother? And you're on a first name basis with Malfoy? And you're dating Malfoy! Wha-wha-what?" Ginny bombarded Hermione with questions.
"I... I... first, I went with Draco because um... he wanted me to help him shake off Parkinson. I told Ron we're impossible and we'll never be together. Then I'm on first name basis with him because well, we're fellow schoolmates. Finally, I'm not, NOT dating Draco," Hermione answered all at once calmly.
"Okay... I don't think you should go with Draco He's such a-" before Ginny could start insulting Draco, Harry placed a hand on her waist and twirled her into his arms.
"Hey darling," he chuckled.
"Hey," Ginny gave such a sweet and innocent smile that Hermione almost fake-puked. Only then did she realised Ginny was wearing a lovely pastel pink mini dress with her hair in a beautiful plait and her feet in classy silver heels.
"Hi Mione' where's Ron?" he asked as he held Ginny's hand.
"Um.. I'm not going with Ron.." Hermione stuttered.
"Wha- then who are you going with?" Harry asked, baffled.
"Malfoy," Hermione replied quickly.
"Oh I got to go.. bye.." Hermione gave a quick, awkward wave before rushing away, not wanting Harry to question her anymore.
Hermione hurried through the crowd, trying to find her blonde hair partner. No longer, she saw him. Leaning against a pillar, sipping on a drink.
"Draco, I'm sorry, I'm back," she apologized as she rushed to his side.
"Nah, that's alright," he said, their eyes not meeting.
"Actually.. you do look quite gorgeous," he placed one of his hands on the pillar and half smirked, half smiled and Hermione. Instantly, Hermione's cheek burnt and she could feel it going bright, red as she blushed ferociously.
"Thanks... you look great too," she smiled as their eyes met. There was an awkward silent as they stared into each others eyes intently. She realized they were only a few inches away.
" you want some fruit punch?" Draco said suddenly looking away from Hermione.
"Oh sure,"Hermione said blushing a little.

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