Chapter 32

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Hermione's POV

Where is Draco? I have to find him now!

Since Draco said he was leaving, he would probably be taking the train. He must be at the train station. Unless... unless he already left.

I must find him. Right now. Once he leaves, I might never be able to see him ever again.

Immediately, I shoved my mobile into one of the pockets of the hospital gown I must've worn for the last i-don't-know-how-long i was in a coma. I rummaged through the small cupboard beside me and I finally found my wand, I brought it along with me, just in case. Without any other hesitation, I apparated myself to the the train station nearest to Malfoy manor which I reckoned Draco must be at.

In an instance, I heard the sound of people talking. I opened my eyes and looked around me. Indeed I was at the train station. I have to find Draco right now. I started pushing myself through the crowd and shouted Draco's name over and over again. Everybody's eyes were on me. They must've though I was a crazy woman but whatever. I combed almost the entire train station. And the truth suddenly sipped in.

Draco must've already left.

Holding back my tears, I staggered to the nearest wall and leaned backon it.

Draco... where are you. I need youm I love you.

A tear escaped my left eye as I took one last hopeful glance around the station. I was about to give up when I spotted the oh-to-familiar platinum blonde hair. Hope surged through me as I ran towarda the blonde who might very possible be... be Draco Malfoy.

Please let it be Drsco. Please...please...

I prayed as I inched closer to the blonde. I pushed the last person out of my way and another tear escaped my eye as Draco Malfoy stood in front of me. My eyes widened as I pulled Draco into a huge hug, sobbing at he's shoulders.

"Hermione..." Draco cooed me as I lifted my head up and looked into he's beautiful eyes.

"You still found me afterall," he said in a sad tone.

"Don't leave me Draco.. please... I regained my memory... I remembered you and our relationship. I was horrified when I found out you were leaving right after I realised I regained my memory. I was so scared. I was scared to lose you," I whispered to him as I cried even more.


Draco's POV

My eyes widened and happiness surged through my entire being.

" mean... you... you remember me?" I said shocked beyond words.

Hermione nodded and she gave me a smile.

"Hermione... Hermione... I shouldn't have left you.. I should've stayed.. sorry for worrying you. I love you. I love you so much," I pulled Hermionr into a warm hugged and we just stayed like that, warm in each other's embrace. Hermione finally woke up and remembered me. I was literally the happiest man on earth right now.

I just want to stay like that. In Hermione's embrace. Forever. And ever.

a/n THERE YOU HAVE ITTT!!!! the dramione ending you all all wantedd :)) do you guys want us to continue with an epilogue or something? comment below your opinions about whether we shd add maybe 1 more chapter & also about this chapter and this almost completed book :)))

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