20 • The Worst Interview Ever

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BEAU [10:05 a.m.]

Last night was surreal. My tears fell like a landslide, having no control over it at all when I saw her. The truth was that I was heavily affected. Knowing that Piper was admitted in the hospital for the second time around, and for some reason I was both present at the time of the incidents, was so messed up. I felt like was a bad luck magnet to her.

This recess, I was bombarded with prom questions regarding Piper and I. It was starting to get annoying that I suggested to Lucas that we sit and hang out by the bleachers outside the football field. I wanted to invite Callista and Gigi, but Lucas and I were in the middle of talking about Piper. 

Right after we fled the cafeteria, my phone rang. When we read who the caller was, Lucas jokingly pressed the speaker to annoy the hell out of me more.

"So now you're avoiding me just because you're taking Piper to prom, huh?"

"No, Callista. I just have to talk to Lucas about some...guy stuff."

"You're infuriating me!" Callista fired back. I had no time for more Callista drama that I didn't bother answering her and tossed my phone inside my unzipped backpack.

Lucas shook his head. "That's some uptight girl you have there, my man."

Rubbing my temples, I heaved a sigh. "I know, and I'm stressed out. I'm studying my ass off for finals week, then we're training for our last swimming tournament and now Callista's all over me acting like a crazy person."

"Well, you did ask for this!" Lucas exclaimed, opening a bag of Lays that he brought. "You know Callista, she'll go beast mode if it concerns the two of you. We all know you and Pipers were childhood friends so seeing you together is quite the gossip."

"If you guys know that, then I don't see what the big deal is about." I replied. Lucas took his time in chewing and swallowing the chips he just devoured before explaining something that I didn't want to hear.

"'Cuz you and Piper are a thing of the past!" He started to explain. "You didn't acknowledge each other's presence for the past ten—count 'em—ten freakin' years and now, by some odd phenomenon, you suddenly asked her to be your prom date just because of that dumb deal with her brother."

I furrowed my eyebrows. How many times did I have to reiterate myself? "I told you, the deal is off. I didn't ask her to prom in exchange for cash for my dad's broken car because one: I already have the money and two: the proposal was sincere," I said. Lucas pulled his lips down and shrugged, as he grabbed another handful of Lays.

"How about you, who are you taking to prom?" I asked. I've already witnessed about three public prom proposals this recess, so it crossed my mind who Lucas would ask because he was usually big on proposals.

"Gigi. She's not a fan of grandiose proposals so I just casually asked her out."

"Isn't she dating that Duke guy from Kramerton?"

His jaw clenched when I mentioned Duke. "Nah, they broke up weeks ago. Duke's an ass."

I can just imagine Lucas busting out a Judo move on Duke. Duke Darrow was infamously known to be the 'Duke of Detention' in our neighboring school, Kramerton High, knowing that he had countless of pink slips because of his sky-high number of school violations. I'd say Gigi deserved someone better, and Lucas had the potential.

"So you're now Gigi's knight in shining armor, huh?" I teased, nudging him in the arm. I mean, Gigi was alright. She was way more level-headed and saner than Callista.

Lucas briefly chuckled. "You could say that, but no, I don't like her that way. We're super chill friends and you know that."

It was funny how that was my whole point of taking Piper to prom all along and he still didn't understand me.

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