Chapter 24

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All the three men could manage was trying to act normal for the rest of the day. Kate kept a stern eye on all of them, and Aleks didn't like the storm brewing behind her glances. She was obviously suspicious, and time was running short, but nothing could be done just yet.

There was also the issue of his brain not functioning properly every time he glanced at James or felt his warmth or caught him looking at him with something like wonder in his eyes. Aleks just wanted to be near him for the rest of his life, so he stuck with him all day. Kyle was around most of the time too, so they didn't get much of a chance to talk, but basking in each other's presences was enough. Until after dinner when Kyle mentioned that James should share with Aleks because they didn't have any extra room. Aleks was pretty sure he winked, but he pretended not to see so he wouldn't start blushing.

James left first, claiming he was exhausted. Aleks believed him. The dark half circles under his eyes were proof enough, and every time he saw them, Aleks felt a pang of guilt at the thought that it was he who put them there. He tried to push the familiar feelings of guilt away, knowing that they were what had gotten them into this mess in the first place, but that ended up causing him to feel even guiltier. So when James left, he stayed, scooting closer to the fire until his face and hands were almost too hot. He sat, staring into the flames until he felt someone sit down beside him. He could tell it was Kyle, but he didn't say anything and neither did the other man. There was silence for a few moments, but it was a comfortable silence. Until it was broken by Kyle.

"So. You and James."

It wasn't even phrased as a question, just as a simple statement. That made Aleks' chest hurt for some reason, but it was a good hurt. As if his heart had suddenly grown too big to stay contained.

"Yeah," he murmured, looking over a little sheepishly. Kyle's eyes were glinting in the firelight and he was half smiling, reassuring Aleks that everything was ok. "Yeah, I guess so."

"As soon as I saw him look at you, I could tell," Kyle said, his mouth slanting into even more of a smirk.

"Tell what?"

"That he was in love with you."

Aleks' heart skipped a beat and he went a little numb. To hear it spoken with such conviction, that James might be in love with him, shook him. He hadn't really thought about it, hadn't even dared to hope that James might be even attracted to him until that morning.

Kyle seemed to sense his shock, and opened his mouth in surprise.

"He hasn't told you yet?"

Aleks shook his head.

"God no. I'm not sure he feels that strongly..."

"Shhh," Kyle shushed him, almost grinning now. "He does. Trust me."

Aleks just stared at him, still not quite comprehending. Kyle rolled his eyes and gave him a fond smile that was tired around the edges.

"Go to bed. Forget Sam, me, everything shitty that's happened to you. Tell James you love him. God knows how many chances you'll get."

He patted Aleks on the shoulder and stood up. Aleks turned his face back towards the fire and didn't watch him go. He had a lot to think about.

He finally got up about half an hour later when everyone else had left and the fire was just crackling embers. He stood up creakily, his ankle stiff and sore, but he didn't notice due to how nervous he had suddenly become. Making his way in the dark to the tent, he wondered what exactly he was planning on doing. Kyle's advice was ringing around noisily in his head. Tell James you love him.

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