"Actually, yeah. You know almost all of the nurses that work here, right?"

"For the most part."

"Well, could you tell me about Lyla?" I asked; keen to have my questions answered. "I didn't get to talk to her much yesterday. There was some kind of emergency and she had to leave."

"I'm sorry, who?" Grace cocked her head, confused. "Could you describe her, did she seem older than us?"

"I think she might be our age, maybe even younger," I said. "She's about your height and has dark, wavy hair, and big brown eyes."

Though I knew my description was vague, what more could I say without sounding like a complete idiot? I didn't know the first thing about Lyla; her favorite color, or food, if she was a cat or dog person, her age, or even her full name. I just knew that when I'd seen her smile shine through the chaos of my life, I'd discovered an irrefutable fact; I liked her. A lot.

"Huh, I've never heard of her," Grace replied, furrowing her brow. "What's her last name? Do you know what shift she works?" I shook my head, and at that she took on a thoughtful meme. "And you're sure she's a nurse?"

"I think so. I mean, she was wearing scrubs and seemed to know a lot about that stuff," I said, gesturing at the wall of beeping machines. "Maybe it was her first day on the job?"

"No, I would've been made aware of something like that. I'm in charge of orientation for most of the new medical personnel-" Her head snapped up suddenly, and she snapped her fingers. "Why didn't I think of it sooner? All of the staff here has to take a photo for their access-cards, and each profile is saved into our database. Sage, if I were to show you a picture, would you be able to point her out to me?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Absolutely."

"Great, then I'll be right back," she assured me as she began to head towards the door. "Before I forget, I've scheduled you in for a bath. A nurse will be along to help you."

For a second I didn't answer, thinking that maybe what she'd said was meant as a joke. When it became clear it wasn't though, I held up two hands. "Whoa, hold on there. What exactly do you mean someone will be along to help?"

"In your condition you really shouldn't be exerting yourself."

"My condition?" I could feel the corners of my lips twitching as I nearly laughed aloud. "Grace, I told you already that I'm feeling better. Stop worrying."

"It's for your own safety," she insisted. "When you were in a coma you had plenty of sponge baths. This is no different." When I continued to shake my head wryly, she added in a gentler tone, "Oh, I never thought- is it a modesty thing?"

"Hardly!" Unable to help myself, I really did laugh then; snorts and all. "Yeah, I'm pretty confident in all of this," I said as I gestured at myself. "What I don't like is being treated like an infant."

"Well," she said slowly, "I suppose if you're sure."

"I am," I said confidently. "Trust me, I've had a bit of practice bathing myself. I think I'll be able to stumble my way through it sans the audience."

She rolled her eyes but nodded agreeably before hurrying away.

While I waited for her to return, I felt my eyes slide shut as my mind wandered again to Lyla. I wanted so badly to see her; it was an iron-willed ghost that haunted me. This perplexed me on a deeper level, though; that she was so easily taking over my thoughts. A part of me wondered if I should be more concerned about it, maybe even resistant.

Inextricable: A Divergent FanFiction (Book Three) ©Where stories live. Discover now