Chapter 14

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"You have got to be kidding me." Mimi snarls upon seeing our vehicles. I bob around excitedly on the spot.

"They're pretty great right?" I ask, ecstasy shaking up my voice. Mimi's eyes are still wide with shock.

"Great? Great? This is the total opposite of great!" She growls, placing her hands on her hips judgementally.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a pitiful frown. "These things are adorable." Her brows raise as she purses her lips.

"Volkswagen Kombis are anything but adorable! They're ugly, long and slow!" She shouts, letting out an angry huff afterwards. She begins to stride in the opposite direction of us, making sure her hair sways from side to side as she does so.

"Whatever, she'll eventually come running back." I say, shrugging off the situation. I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I spin round on my heel and see Enzo.

"Here are your keys." He says pressing them into the palm of my hand. "And you have a GPS." He nods towards the front seat where suction cupped to the window I can see a small screen. I give him a grateful smile before he scuttles away.

"Alright, who's ready to go to our hotel and sleep!" I shout enthusiastically jangling the keys in the air. "We're going to need two driver's, I've got my international drivers license, have you dad?" I query whilst pointing towards him. He nods keenly, clearly wanting to be the driver of one of the beautiful Kombis.

"Who's going to be with me?" My dad asks. Brian, Tea and my mum each raise their hands before clambering into the car.

"I guess you're with me boys." I say gesturing to the turquoise Kombi, which they soon proceed to pile into.

"Do you want me to lead the way?" I ask, my dad who is already buckled up inside his designated vehicle. He nods.

"Sure thing." He replies with a cheery grin. I jog over to our car. I fling open the door and I am surprised to see the passenger seat. I mentally face palm. We're in France now, the steering wheel is on the left side. But instead of just walking around to the other side of the car, I decide to choose the hard way. I awkwardly struggle to close the passenger door behind me before attempting to trek over the glove box and into my seat. But my coordination fails me big time and I end up with both my legs dangling over the back of the chair and my head dreadfully close to pushing either the stop, clutch or accelerate pedals.

Once I reassemble myself, I switch on the GPS. It springs to life automatically showing us the logo of the company it's made by. I select the destination feature and progress to type in the address of our hotel.

"Hi I'm Sabrina, made by 'locationtech'," She greets in her formal robotic voice, which startles me at first. "Go straight for four hundred metres, then, turn left." I do as she says and at the exit of the parking lot, I find Mimi sitting on the kerb in the shade. I pull over beside her.

"Are you going to hop in?" I question.

"I guess I don't have much choice." she responds as she grouchily thumps over to the passenger seat, flings the door open and slides in. After shutting the door, she attempts to shove her bag down at her feet, but when she finally realises it won't fit, she resigns and dumps it in the back seat. "We're going to our hotel right?" She asks as she struggles with the buckle of her wedges that seem to be turning her feet an unflattering shade of red. I nod my head as I fiddle with the radio. "Good, I need my beauty sleep."

"You're not the only one." I chuckle.

"Not too shabby, not too shabby indeed." Donnie says as he exits the car, partly rejuvenated by his short nap. Mimi slams her door shut.

"Well it's not exactly five star..." Mimi starts before catching the death glare I send her. "But it'll do." She quickly adds in, adjusting the strap of her bag.

Once both the Kombis are locked up, we begin to make our way to the front of 'Hotel en France'. As we reach the front doors, they automatically slide open, letting us walk through. I step into the hotel and my shoulders immediately lower as the cool air blasting from the AC hits my face.

I make my way over to the reception desk where two women are sitting, hurriedly tapping away at the keyboards of their computers. I clear my throat politely.

"Excuse me." I start. The woman closest to us sharply turns her head in our direction.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She says standing up from her wheelie chair and flashing an infectious smile.

"Hi, we made a booking for two rooms, under the surname Ripple." I state fiddling around in my backpack to try and find the paperwork. When my fingers brush against the familiar plastic surface of my travel folder, I yank it out of my bag. I slide the papers over to her side of the desk. She takes them with a gracious nod before her eyes begin to scan over it.

"Mm hm." She murmurs to herself before letting her fingers run wild upon her keyboard. The printer beside her soon springs to life, spurting out a receipt from it's electronic mouth. She slides the paperwork back over to our side of the desk along with two new key cards and the freshly printed receipt.

"Thank you," I say whilst tucking the papers back into my travel folder. She smiles once more, in the same way as before, her perfect white teeth all lined up impeccably.

"It's just down that hallway, up the elevator, turn left into the first hallway you see, walk for a bit and you're there." She instructs, her arm outstretched in the direction of the hallway. My eyes instinctively follow the direction of her arm before returning back to her face. I thank her once more before walking as fast as I can down the hallway. It may have come across as rude, but the thought of sleep is pulsing through my veins and I'm not exactly sure if I can stay awake much longer.

"Hurry up, I'm dying!" Donnie complains squeakily whilst I sift through my bag. As soon as I find the key card, I smash it into it's slot. A little green little flashes on and the door opens slightly. Donnie and Mimi instantly push through, dumping their suitcases and carry-ons on the floor once they step over the threshold. We all follow suit, discarding all weight to wherever there is room. I shut the door after everyone is in and open up a second door to our adjoining room.

My parents, Brian, Tea and Mimi proceed to enter our second room, checking out what's in store. I follow them in, but I soon get bored listening to their adult chat about who will sleep where, how tomorrow will pan out and how amazing our rooms are so I find myself wandering back into the first room.

I walk over to the queen sized bed and see Donnie, Vay, Mel and Ty sleeping all squished up together with the twins blissfully sandwiched in the middle. I smile yet this soon vanishes to make room for a vast yawn. My fingers stroke the cotton of the bed sheets and I instantaneously become sleepier. Succumbing to my temptations, I snatch a pillow from the couch beside the bed and lay it down at the end. I let my body sprawl across the space at the bottom, my stiff limbs finally getting a chance to relax.

As I stare up at the ceiling my mind becomes emptier and emptier as I find less and less things to think about. And soon before I can even realise what's happening, my eyes flutter shut.

And the snore storm is released.


Hey everyone! So I powered through my minor case of writer's block and now we have an update! Yay! This chapter's a little short, but the next one will be really exciting!

Drop me a vote and comment. Tell me what you thought about Chapter 14!




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