Chapter 6

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          "Mimi?" Is all I manage to say. My large hazel eyes are frozen on her round chocolate brown ones. From spending my whole life-time with her, I can see right through them. She is just as equally shocked as I am. Except I am also slightly terrified.

          "Yeah," She says swallowing awkwardly. "That's me," She doesn't need to ask if it's me; she already knows. There is a long pause between us and it's almost as if the rest of the bus has sensed our silence and are now being equivalently quiet just to add to the awkward atmosphere. I gulp, swallowing down my fear. I mean someone has to talk between the two of us and if it isn't her, then it's me.

          "So I was actual-"

          "How are y-" We say at the same time, both of us trying to lessen the the awkwardness between us but to no avail. There is a second pause between us and I swear a tumbleweed could seriously roll down the bus isle right now. I wait until I'm sure she has nothing to say before I start again.

          "Yeah so I was actu-"

          "How's the ca-" We say once again in sync. And once again only adding to the awkwardness. I swear there are crickets on this bus because I can hear their chirp ringing through my ears.

          "You go," We say in unison. I start to get frustrated. The only conclusion I can come to is that we've been away from each other for so long that we just can not uphold a normal conversation without over lapping each other.

          "No you go," We say. At this rate, we may as well be dressed in matching pencil skirts and shirts like every set of game show assistants that speak every word they say in sync. Mimi can see that I am uncomfortable and frustrated about the situation so she starts and surprisingly isn't cut off by me.

          "You go," She prompts being the first one between us to make real, uninterrupted conversation. I nod and feel the jitters creep in to my body just the way they did the night I was thinking about calling Mimi. I suppress these feelings and take a deep breath in.

          "I was actually comin-" I start before getting cut off for the third time this bus ride.

          "We are now arriving in Fitzerwood," the same glitchy, robotic voice from my first bus ride calls over the P.A. system. My eyes bubble up with fury. Why can't I have a conversation without something awkward or distracting happen?!

           "Oh be quiet!" I stand up and shout at the speaker above my head. I swivel my head around and see that everyone's eyes have turned to me. Even the anti-social people with their eyes glued to their phones and headphones blasting music in their ears have glanced up at me. I flip my curly locks to one side. I must have been pretty loud then I think. Truth be told, I have never been afraid to be loud. Some would even say I wear my high volume like a badge or a medal. But it does get the best of me at times and I can't help but feel slightly embarrassed.

          I retake my seat and see that Mimi is gathering up her things.

          "This is actually my stop," She mumbles. I can see that she is quietly ashamed of my loudness too and I start to feel rather guilty about it.

          "Well it's actually mine as well." I say hoisting my handbag up onto my shoulder. I can see that this statement agitates her and it just makes me feel more ashamed for shouting on the bus. I mean who would want to be seen in public with a loud, screaming woman? No-one really.

          We walk towards the door and successfully push our way through the crowd of people entering the bus. The bus leaves with a splutter and clunk and we are left in silence.

On the Road AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora