Ain't Here for That

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Derek looked over at Amber, she was talking on her phone she seemed to be having an intense conversation. Catching her eye he smiled and winked at her, he frowned as he noticed she lowered her eyes. Something was off with her but she wouldn't tell him what. Thinking back to the conversation he'd had earlier with Cheryl and Elizabeth about Amber, he walked over to her.


"Derek, hey D, wait up a minute."

Hearing his name called Derek turned seeing Cheryl. "Good morning lady, what can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to ask you about Amber. She's not been herself for the last couple of days. Did you do something?"

Hearing Cheryl's question Elizabeth walked over, "She's right, there's a problem."

Raising both hands he looked at the women, "I haven't done anything, but I know what you mean. She's tense and I don't have a clue as to why. But I'm going to find out, I promise."

The women exchanged looks, "Okay, if you need our help let us know." Elizabeth said as she walked away. Cheryl nodded as she too walked away.

End Flashback

As he got close to her he could hear her end of the conversation, hearing the sadness in her voice made him stop and listen closer. He knew he was wrong for listening at her private call but he had asked her more than once what was wrong. All he got was a weak smile and averted eyes.

"Di, I don't know if I have the patience to put up with this bullshit again." Amber sighed. "I'm not the same person I was. I don't know if I can keep my temper." Amber dropped her head as she listened, "It still hurts just as much, I just have to wonder why me all the time."

Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye she turned to see Derek standing behind her. "Di, I have to go, I'll call you tonight. Love you." Looking up at him she lifted a brow, "Were you listening to my call?"



"Something is going on and you won't tell me what." Derek reached for her but she stepped back. "What the hell? Did I do or say something that made you mad?"

"No, you haven't done anything wrong. Like I told you before, nothing is wrong." Amber tried to step around Derek but he just matched her step and moved into her personal space making her take another step back.

"I call bullshit baby, you tense up every time I touch you. I know we said we weren't going to date until after the show and I respect that. But you're sad and I don't like seeing you like that. Talk to me." He reached for her again and this time she let him pull her close. Hugging her tight he smiled, she always smelled of strawberries and vanilla.

Easing out of his arms she smiled softly at him. "It's nothing, really, I've got this. Now we need to rehearse." She pressed a soft kiss to his chest as she walked away.

"It is something and listening to your phone call it's got you hurt and pissed off. I thought we agreed to be honest with each other. You're keeping something from me that's causing you pain. We might not be officially dating until after the show but we are already in a relationship. So as your man, you need to talk to me."

Amber closed her eyes; he wasn't going to let this go. Turning she looked at him, seeing the concern on his face she knew she had to tell him. He was always open with her and to be honest she had never had a relationship like she had with him. They were truly friends.

"Let's sit down and I'll tell you what's going on. But you have to promise to keep your temper." linking their hands she stroked her thumb over the back of his hand.

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