14. Wait.. It's You

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-Nash Grier-

As soon as I arrived, I rushed to where Alyssa told me she'd be, and I knelt down in front of her.

"You alright?" I asked her as I lifted her head so she'd look at me.

"Does Hayes really love me?" Alyssa asked, looking into my eyes.

"It's hard to know. Hayes is... Well, Hayes actually keeps a lot of secrets. So you said Shawn came?" I said and stroked her hair a little, trying to calm her down.

"Shawn did come, yeah. But when we got here, they started fighting, and I heard them say something about a girl.." Alyssa said and tried to look away from me, but I've learned that the only way I can get her to calm down is to get her to look into my eyes as I speak.

Not a lot of people know this, but ever since Alyssa moved to North Carolina, she always came to me when she was upset. Other than her mother, I'm the only person that can calm her down when she is upset or when she has an anxiety attack. I quickly became very very protective of her.

"Alyssa, look at me." I said quietly and turned her head so she'd look at me again. "You trust me, right?"

"I trust you." Alyssa whispered, looking into my eyes.

"Then I want you to listen to me, okay? And keep your eyes on me." I said and she nodded her head softly.

"Okay." She replied.

"Good. Now, I want you to try to avoid Hayes whenever you can. I get that you have a few classes with him, but try to avoid him." I said and she sighed.

"But I'm on the cheer squad." She said and I wiped her tears away.

"You can't be for the next few months because of your foot. But I want you to trust me, and do what I say. Okay? Stay away from Hayes." I said and she bit her bottom lip.

"But why?" She asked.

"Hayes isn't who you think he is. He likes to make girls think that he loves them, then he kinds just.. Dumps them when he's tired of them. I don't want to see that happen to you. You mean too much to me. Now, let's go before Hayes figures out that you called me." I said and helped her up, then helped her into my car.

"I thought he loved me.." Alyssa said and I sighed.

"Hayes just isn't the kind of person you should trust right now. I tried to warn you several times." I said as I started the car.

"You warned me?" She said.

"I have. Several times." I repeated.

"Now I feel like I let you down.." She said and started to cry again.

That's one of the many reasons I'm so protective of her. She's so.. fragile. She gets hurt easily, she gets upset easily. She's had sort of a hard life, and it's all kind of just tearing her apart. Her being involved with Hayes has just made it a bit worse.

"Hey, don't worry about that. When we get back to the house, we can listen to music, and you can cuddle with me all you want, like we always do. Or we can do whatever you want. Okay?" I said and she nodded.

"Can we just cuddle? That's all I want." She said.

"Yeah, we can cuddle." I said and started to drive.

"And ice cream.."

I chuckled a bit and drove her home and told her to sit at the table.

"Thanks, Nash." Alyssa said and sat down as I got the container of ice cream and put some in a bowl.

"It's no problem." I said and placed the ice cream in front of her.

"Really, thank you." Alyssa said and started eating the ice cream.

"For what?" I asked.

"Everything. Like, ever since I've arrived, you were always there for me when no one else was. You're so.. So.."

"So?" I asked.

"So amazing." She said and I smiled as I sat next to her.

"Nah." I said and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"You know, my mom thinks Hayes is the one who made me happy.. She thinks that Hayes is the one who fixed me." Alyssa said and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Fixed you?" I said.

"You know.. I was sort of.. Broken before I met you." She said and I nodded my head to let her know I was listening.

"Ah." I said and she looked at me.

"I even thought that maybe Hayes was the one who made me happy. I guess I only thought that because I see him more in school than I see you.. But I.. I think I was wrong." She said and looked into my eyes.

"Well, I mean, Hayes really isn't who he says he is. He acts like-"

"Can we just focus on what I'm trying to say." Alyssa said and I nodded.

"Sorry. Go ahead." I said.

"My point is.. I thought I loved Hayes. But all this time.. I've loved you."


The end.

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