Lies, Strength, and Happiness

Start from the beginning

"We've been thinking, Harry, we could always slip Umbridge some puking pastilles into her tea." Fred said holding open a bag of their trickster treats.

"Or fever fudge. They give you these massive boyles-" George continued. Harry sighed, trying to look over the both of them to see if Cho was still there.

"Come on guys, I'm sure Harry would rather be doing something else than talking to you." Perci led her friends away and out of the room, but not before she turned around and made a squeezing motion with her hands and nodded toward Cho.

"Grab that ass." She whispered. Harry blushed and headed over to Cho, trying to ignore Perci. Cho didn't acknowledge his presence, but stood staring at a picture.

Harry cleared his throat. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I heard Umbridge gave you a rough time the other day."

She turned her teary eyes to him. "Yeah," she replied shakily. "I'm okay. Anyways, it's worth it." She looked back at the picture. Harry followed her gaze. His eyes landed on the old, moving picture of Cedric and Perci. It was the only good picture anyone had of him.

"Oh, that. Yeah Perci put it up a few days ago." Harry said softly. Cho grimaced. "You don't still think Perci killed him?"

Cho shook her head. "No, it's just, learning all this...makes me wonder if he'd known it..." Her voice was soft and delicate.

Harry scrambled for the right words. "Cedric did know this stuff. He was really good. It's just," Harry prayed his voice didn't crack or he didn't cry, "Voldemort was better."

Cho nodded and sighed. "You're a really good teacher, Harry." She chuckled "I've never been able to stun anything before." 'You stunned me', Harry thought. Cho looked up at the growing mistletoe between them. Harry saw Perci mutter charms and point her wand above them out of the corner of his eye. He'd have to thank her later. "Mistletoe." Cho muttered, leaning in close to Harry.

All Harry could do was focus on her lips. He remembered saying somethings stupid about nargles and then he kissed her. It was his first and the most amazing feeling he had felt. His lips sparked with electricity. His mind went blank. Harry could've stood there forever, just kissing her.


Perci landed through the window of Grimmauld Place with a small purple sack held between her teeth. She transformed back into her human self and set the bag down. It was full of her daily dosage of an unknown potion that kept her looking as good as new, a few books Snape had lent her, and several trinkets she had nicked from his office.

She stuffed the books and bottomless pouch under her bed and downed the vile. She gagged at the usual taste of vomit that came with the potion. Perci cursed Snape; couldn't he have added some kind of flavor? Grape? Mint? Strawberry? Perci dropped the vile back down the purple pouch and once again pushed it all under her bed-not the best hiding place, Perci noted, must find another one.

Perci straightened her clothes before she opened the attic door and headed down the steps to the kitchen. Perci was met with Mrs. Weasley, Remus, and Sirius staring at her with their arms crossed.

She raised her eyebrows. "Is everything okay?"

Mrs. Weasley's eyes popped out of her skull and her ears turned pink, much like Fred's. She couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Where have you been?!" Mrs. Weasley screamed. Perci was slightly taken aback. Mrs. Weasley had never yelled at her in all the years she acted like a second mother to her. Perci felt her heart scrunch up and her stomach clench as her eyes dropped to the ground. When she looked back up at Mrs. Weasley, she was silently sobbing. Perci frowned and enveloped her in a tight hug.

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