Fuck 😫....

Shay POV

I was in the club and I wasn't having any type of fun.

So when I got a call from my brother. My nephewpoooh is sick so Derek is taking care of him by himself since my sister in law is out of town.

I was SO happy. It was like 12 o'clock at night but I didn't care because I wanted to leave.

I stood up and suddenly got a very bad feeling and I felt like I needed to talk to Carter to make sure he was okay but he wasn't answering.

I didn't call him at all yesterday so this was my first time trying to call him in a while.

I'll call him in the car so he can hear me even if he doesn't answer, I'll just leave a voicemail I guess.

"Alisha, I gotta go to my brother's office. DJ is sick and he left his medicine at work since Sydney is on a business trip and than I'm gonna go talk to Carter. I'm gonna tell him how I feel" I exclaimed.

"Awwwee. Okay boo let me finish fixing my shoe and I'll make sure you get there because I don't trust none of these niggas. Ky and I are tired anyways. Plus it's dry tonight" she said sitting down at the booth while fixing her heel.

"No I'll just be a minute girl" I said waving her off. We always buddy up, especially in the club.

"Hell no. You too fine, I can't trust these broke down ass men" She said looking at me.

I gave her the 'really nigga?' Look and started laughing.

She giggled. "Mmm. I'm serious!" She yelled.

I laughed "Come on than!" I yelled back as I made my way towards the exit of the car with my jacket and purse in my hand.

Ky and Alisha hopped in their car.... With the entourage behind us of course. I swear Ky and Carter roll like 30 deep at all times.

I made my way to my car and began to drive.

On the way to the office, I called Carter.

I called him one last time.... I talked to his voicemail.

"Carter. Are you okay? I have a bad feeling about something and even though your mad at me, I still want to know if your okay. Call me back please. Or even a quick text." I thought of other things to say but decided against it, sighed and hung up.

I made my way to his office and got out.

I buzzed myself in and headed up the stairs.

It was empty but their was still a couple lights on.

I went to my brother's office and unlocked it. I grabbed the medicine that was inside the diaper bag and got out.

I held the diaper bag in my hand and was locking my brother's office back up when he called me. He asked me to go a few doors down to get a stack of paper work that was in the lunch room. I told him I would and we hung up.

I heard the door open and close downstairs.

"Alisha?" I asked loudly. It was creeping me out.

No answer.

I said it again and got no answer.

What the fuck?

I need to hurry up and get out of here.

I quickly went to get the folder that my brother was talking about a couple rooms down. I heard the door lock so I turn around to see....


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