How I Met His Parents...

Start from the beginning

"I am."

"The house looks amazing," I stated unconsciously. But really, if I felt that Theo's and Thai's house was huge and beautiful before, it was nothing compared to this.

"I've been taking care of it for almost twenty years now. I raised these kids myself in it also. They're practically mine. You'd think the mistress and mister would treat me better but no," she told me as she motioned for me to follow her.

"Well they are amazing. Dylan, Daniel and Dana are beautiful kids," I responded.

"I know. Especially Dylan. He makes it easier for me around here. He takes the twins whenever he has free time. He's an amazing boy and a great brother," she said smiling, "Here you are."

"Thank you," I replied and then she left. I took a deep breath and opened the door and closed it behind me.

I was immediately pulled into a hug. My face was pressed against Dylan's chest as his arms held me tightly. My arms wrapped around his waist and I breathed in his cologne. He suddenly pulled away and then captured my lips with his showing me just how much he missed me. he lifted me and carried me to his bed where he laid me down. He climbed on top of me and found my lips again. His hands found my waist and he pressed his fingers into my skin underneath my shirt. My hands framed his face as his lips worked against mine.

"Is this the chemistry homework you needed me for?" I grinned pulling away.

"Yes I need you to complete the equation," he said and kissed the corner of my lips.

"What equation? My lips plus your lips equals fireworks?" I joked.

"That works too," he nodded, "But shut up now."

He kissed me pressing himself between my legs as our tongues met causing me to let out a low moan. He smirked clearly pleased with himself. I trailed kisses up his jaw, placing a hickey on his neck before nibbling on his earlobe which made him moan and then I pulled away happy.

"I win," I told him, "You said you wouldn't initiate a kiss between us. You just did twice."

"Sweetheart, I'm the real winner here. I got to kiss you," he smiled looking completely happy.

"I got to mark you. Everyone will see it at school on Monday," I grinned.

"Great then," he said and pecked my lips.

"Dylan!" Daniel's voice shouted from downstairs, "Come quick Dylan!"

Dylan and I jumped up from the bed and fixed ourselves quickly. He then grabbed my hand and we rushed downstairs with him ahead of me pulling me along. We found Daniel and Dana looking scared as they stared at the front door. Martha seemed to be busy cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Dana and Daniel came over to me, almost hiding behind my leg. Daniel held my free hand. The door opened and in walked two professional looking persons who I assumed were Dylan's parents.

"Well doesn't that food smell horrible," the woman scoffed, "Martha! Can't you for once make a decent meal?"

"Well, what is this?" the man asked taking notice of us watching them. No one answered and the kids clung to me even more.

"I'm Skylar Amiel," I introduced myself extending my hand to shake theirs.

"Amiel as in Amiel Corporations?" the mother perked up and shook my hand.


"Oh," she dropped my hand and walked pass us, "So it's been a while since I've gotten a call from your school, you worthless piece of shit."

"Excuse me?!" I pulled my hands away from the kids and spun to face her.

"You're excused. You can go," she brushed me off.

"Your son is one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. He is smart. He gets wonderful grades and he kicks ass on the football field," I informed her, "Let's not forget, he's a damn good brother and helps to take care of your kids. That doesn't sound worthless to me."

"Honey he has his sluts talking for him now," his father laughed.

"I didn't know we were talking about your wife," Dylan growled and stepped closer to his father.

"How dare you disrespect your mother that way?!" his father said with a dark venomous voice.

"I don't recall saying anything about Martha," Dylan matched his tone.

"I am the one who carried you for nine months. You and those scums behind you!" his mother scowled.

"Don't you dare call my sister and brother a scum," Dylan warned darkly.

"Hit him," his mother told his father. His father smirked obviously fascinated by the idea. His father raised his hand and punched Dylan in his face. He stood there and took it, his face not revealing any signs of pain. I screamed out as his father pushed him on the ground and continued to repeatedly kick him in the stomach. I was going to stop him but Martha held me back and I then noticed the kids were crying so I pulled them to me in a comforting hug.

"I think that's enough damage for the next three months," Mr. Martin grinned at his wife and then they turned around and left. Next three months would be summer, I noted as I saw their retreating form.

"Dylan are you okay?" I rushed over to him. He remained still on the ground and I bent over and cradled his face.

"I'm fine. You shouldn't have said anything," he said between clenched teeth as he tried to hide his pain.

"I'm sorry but they were so mean and someone had to let them know that you're an amazing guy," I defended.

"Thank you for defending me Skye but next time don't say anything. Not to them," he told me and I nodded.

"Let's get you cleaned up and we'll talk about it," I said and he agreed. I helped him up and gave Martha and the twins a look that said I would be back soon. I sighed deeply still trying to process what I had just witnessed.

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