Chapter 16

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* 3 months later*

All seemed well,  being a queen though was hard work, harder than being an alpha.

I was walking in the park with my guards. Wearing a long salmon colored sun dress.

Walking with the children of the pack. I've gotten attached to one child out of all.

Liam Greeds a cute toothless blonde,  blue eyed pup. His parents left him here in the pack while he was just a few weeks old.

Angel and Tommy came down to visit a week ago and fell he'd over heels for Liam, he did the same asking when Ang and TomTom (his nickname for them)  I laughed as the pups talked animatedly how they wished giants were real so they could touch the clouds. 

I heard a paws from behind me I looked and it was the teenage boys that were in the pack. They wanted me to see them. I had made an announcement to the pack stating that the woods should be the only place that the wolves should hang out. Granted humans knew of our existence but it put them at ease. They were defenseless against an angry werewolf fight.

I continued walking with the kids. Liam had stopped talking and held my hand. He looked up at me and smiled a toothless smile.  He's gonna break hearts one day. I pick him up and the kids stopped and went behind me.

On the play ground were some teen wolves who didn't look like they need to be there. I placed Liam next to me.  I moved toward the guys, the guards keeping the children calm.

" Um guys.. Could you take this party to the woods the kids want to play." I asked nicely.  They look at me and eyed me. Camden appeared next to me and the guys got up not before bowing at us and walking into the café. The kids ran on to the play ground and jumped, screamed, and ran, about. Liam was the odd one out swinging on the swings by himself. I walked over to him and sat in the swing.

" Hey buddy what's wrong?" I asked.

" When is Ang and TomTom coming back?" He said looking as the other pups parents came to get them.

" Soon handsome but for now you're staying with Camden an I. Is that okay sweetie?" He smile and jumped on me hugging me. I swept him into my arms and tickled him.

His little laugh was the highlight of my day. Camden was talking to one of the males in the pack Anderson Grade the lawyer. They shook hands and Camden walked toward us Liam fell asleep in my arms. Camden took him and we walked to the house hand in hand.

Waking up the next day Camden and Liam lay next to me. I got up showered and got ready for the day.  Liam was in pup form shaking his butt trying to wake a 'sleeping' Camden. Liam stopped and crawled on him.

Camden said "Booh!" and Liam rolled on to the bed I joined them.

We went and got breakfast in the dinning room. The bell rang. When it opened in walked Angel and Tommy. Liam ran to them and hugged them. Angel was so happy she started crying. Tommy smiled, rubbing Liam's head.

Tommy and Angel went to get adoption papers for Liam which I signed last week the pack thought it was wrong going against laws of nature but left it seeing as they knew Liam would be in better care then when his parents left him. They stayed a few hours then left.

Camden and I were out in pool.

"Baby you look amazing have I told you that before." I blushed

" Yes and have I told you look handsome?" He nodded and I kissed him on the lips. I herd footsteps jumps and splashes around us. I looked and saw Archer, Danny, Luther, Steven, Kenickie, Blake all in the pool I pulled away from Camden. I was hoisted on to shoulders. I looked and saw it was Camden.

We played chicken, Marko and pollo till the sun set. We ate diner and parted ways.

I fell asleep to a dream that scared me to my core.

I was in a meadow with tall wild flowers. I was in a white dress, and bare foot. My wolf was in front of me.

" Aurora something is coming. " she spoke. I kneeled to eye level with her.

" Coming? What's coming?" I asked

"Something very bad death will follow." She said fading. The once bright sunny meadow turned into a war zone. Wolves fighting.

I gulped.

A few wolves stood out to me. My guards, Blake, and my wolf. Camden stood next to me.  Wolves dying left to right. A wolf  charged at me but Camden ripped its throat out. I was pushed up against a tree by Blake he was guarding me from them until two threw him away from me.

I went to go after him but the two had me cornered. I saw Blake get up and continue fighting. I whimpered and charged at one. But the other chomped on my tail and dragged me back. I turned and clawed him in the eye.

I ran for a tree and climbed to the top. I was watching people I loved die infringing of my eyes. A shot was heard. I felt a bullet pierce my leg, it jolted me out of the tree.

My front legs pawed at the limb my claws held but I started slipping I dug my claws  into the bark.  I felt my muscles strain and my claws retracted. I was falling.

I closed my eyes and prayed I'd be alive when I hit the ground. A sharp screech of an eagle. I opened my eyes and saw a Harpy eagle, it came closer and grabbed me by the back of my neck and landed me to the infirmary.

I shifted and hobbled in. It was empty. I wrapped bandage around my breasts and crotch.

I grabbed a pair of medical tweezers hopped onto a table and pour rubbing alcohol on to the built wound I cried out.

Shakily placing the tweezers in the wound, that had gray veins coming out of it. I grabbed the built and pulled it out. I dropped it on the table. It smelled of wolfsbain.  I closed my arms around myself and felt a warm tingle all over.

I was healed, shifting I ran back out toward the chaos and madness.

" Rora!" I heard a voice calling my name. I looked about but couldn't find the voice I knew so well.

" Aurora! Wake up!" I felt my body shake. My sight went black and I fell.

I woke up with Camden hovering above me with a look of concern.

I sat up covered in sweat. My once solid white top was now see through.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked.

" Yeah just a nightmare. A really vivid nightmare." I shakily said.  He kissed my lips. I got up and walked to the bathroom, turned the bath on and just sat. Processing this dream that seemed so surreal.

Camden walked in sat on the edge of the tub.

" Do you wanna talk about it?" He moved his forehead on mine and I shared the dream. He kissed my lips and kept his face close. "It was just a dream honey. Come on babe lets get you dry." He stripped me and got a towel to dry me off. I drained the tub and grabbed a thong and slipped it on and crawled into bed.  Camden pulled me close.

His hand came and cupped my breast while his other hand slid down my side and rubbed over my panties. Surprised by that one my butt grind' into his already hard penis.

Lets just say he knew how to ease my nerves.


Hey guys! So this is a little bit of a filler chapter.

Sooooooooooo  has anybody shipped my characters yet? If you have tell me! I'd love to know!

I want to thank all you guys for voting and reading and and being amazing!

I'm going to come up with a name for my fans.  Any ideas?

I'm going to summer school so I can graduate early. So the month of June is gonna be like this month. Crazy and out of whack.

So sorry for the shortness of this chapter but know I love you wolves with all my heart you guys are keeping me going c:


Chanel <3

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