How He Lost it....

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe you. Ari I know I hurt you and I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I'm a dirt bag and I don't deserve you but please give me another chance and stop playing these mind games with me. I've had enough," he begged.

"Mind games? This is not about you anymore James. No one played anybody here but you. You slept around a lot even when I asked you to stop. Just stop. Get over yourself," Ari scowled.

"So you're moving on to Theo. You're really with him?" James asked sadly, looking near tears.

"Yes, obviously. You weren't worth it anyways," Ari told him looking regretful but avoiding his eyes. She sat back down beside of Theo. James looked beyond hurt. He looked broken. Destroyed. Shattered.

"I can't believe the one girl I actually love is treating me this way," he stated his voice barely above a whisper but we all heard him. Ari froze and he waited for some kind of reaction, we all did, but it never came, "Do you hear me? Ari I just told you I'm in love with you and you're not going to say anything? Say something! Don't do this to us! We've had this thing between us for years!"

"I don't feel the same," she sounded as if she struggled to let the cruel words pass her lips. I was beyond shocked at her response.

"Ari baby please, I'm trying," he sound defeated.

"I don't care," she forced out yet again.

"Okay. I'm done. Do you hear that Ari? I said I'm done! I'm over it! I hope you're happy," he looked disgusted as he yelled at her. He walked away without his pride and without the girl he loved, the moment after he shot Theo and her a dirty look with Jace following behind him to console him, not that it would help anyway.

"Ari why did you say that?" I rushed out when he left.

"I don't know," she let the tears fall now.

"But you love him," I concluded.

"I know," she cried even harder, "But he hurt me so much and I wanted him to hurt just as much too. I thought he would fight for me but he gave up."

"James will come back-"

"No he won't. He gave up! He's done with me!" she complained.

"Calm down," I warned, "He'll still love you tomorrow."

"He's such a wuss. I wait so many years for him to confess his love for me and to be ready to commit and he does it like this. Where are the flowers? Where is the food, the chocolate? Where are the fireworks? If he had grabbed me and kissed me I would have caved but no!" Ari exclaimed waving her hands around wildly and the whole cafeteria who had been watching intently started laughing, "Like ladies let's be real, he's a wuss."

Everyone was laughing hard now and even though Ari chuckled lightly, she couldn't fool me. she returned to her food seeming to become distant from everyone at the table by burying herself in her thoughts. Dylan gave me a sympathetic look before leaving the lunch room early.

"Ariana I'm sorry," I apologized and she looked up at me upset. She didn't look exactly upset with me but more with herself about what had happened.

"It's not your fault," she mumbled stuffing food in her mouth.

"I know but I kind of started it all so I feel guilty," I explained and he raised her hand dismissively.



"I don't blame you so just stop. I'm okay. I promise," she got up and gathered her stuff, "I'll see you after school. Girls night, my house, remember?"

"Yeah, of course," I agreed and she walked out of the cafeteria leaving behind Theo.

He looked at me long and hard as if trying to see how I took everything that just happened. He seemed to be struggling to determine whether or not I was okay. I forced a smile but it was obviously fake and Theo seemed to pick up on that. He slowly reached for my fries but I slapped his hand away quickly.

"Not because I'm a bit upset means you have the right to take my food," I complained.

"Aww mon cherie is back," Theo stated proudly.

"Where's Thai?" I asked curious now that my mind could focus on normal matters.

"He's flirting with some cheerleaders," Theo motioned with his head for me to look to the corner of the room and I did and saw him.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to check up on Ari because I know she's crying her heart out," I told Theo and got up. I kissed his cheek and left but not before he could reply.

"I hope she's okay!"

"Me too," I agreed.

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