#21 The end is never far.

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, sure you were,” Sam answered. He stepped aside to reveal Jessica. Mac had met her once, two years ago. She was exactly the same, beautiful and much more athletic then Mackinley.

It wasn’t that Mac didn’t like Jessica; it was that Mac didn’t like…something about her. She couldn’t figure it out but there was always something off about her.

“Mackinley,” Sam hugged his sister-in-law in a quick embrace. Sam hugged his dad and took Molly off him.

“How’s my favorite niece?”

“SAAAAAMMMMMYYYYY” the child screamed.

“Yeah, I’m uncle Sammy,”

Jessica hugged Mackinley. Mac wanted to get away from her but she resisted the urge, she didn’t want to appear rude.

Then Mackinley smelt it, a strange acidic taste in her mouth and the scent filled the room.

Something was wrong.

Panic filled Mackinley’s throat, the gut wrenching wanting to vomit kind of panic. She looked at the people around her, they were hazy their figures blurring.

“Mackinley you need to kill yourself,”

Was that Dean’s voice in her head?

She was going mental.


She looked at the Dean sitting next to her. He was smiling, “You alright Kin?”

Kin? Did he just call me Kin? When does Dean ever call me Kin?


“I mean Mac,”

Mac looked at Dean, his face was sunken. His eyes wider and his nose peeling off revealing blood and bone.


Mac stood quickly, her head was pounding.

“Mac stab yourself now!”

Why was she hearing voices?

“Mac you need to die,”

“Aren’t you happy? Don’t you like your perfect life?” the Dean in front of her stepped closer. Mac instantly stepped back, the rest of the family was closing in on her. They were beginning to melt, their faces dripping like candles to show blood and bone.

“Stay away from you,”

You have to die Mac. Trust me. I am here to save you.

Mac’s first response to hearing voices was “I am fucking crazy.” Her second thoughts were I must have been dreaming. You can’t die in your dreams so it’s okay if I stab myself.

She really was going mental.

“Aren’t you happy?” the family chorused.

The only reason Mackinley hesitated was because of Molly. Her dear, dear baby girl Molly.

“Please let me be dreaming,”

Mackinley grabbed the turkey knife on the counter.

“Please say this is just a dream.”

Dean grabbed for her, his rough hands burning into Mac’s skin.

Mac managed to stab herself.

Please say Molly’s okay.

Pain. Holy shit I was in pain.

Why did my stomach hurt? Oh, my head is banging. I remembered the djinn…Molly. Was my Molly okay?

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