25. Rain

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*She loved the rain, he loved the rain, and they both felt certain ways about it.*

Who finds comfort in thunderstorms?

I never thought about people being afraid of storms, I just found them tragically beautiful in a way. Rain was like a breath of fresh air against your skin. I loved being in the rain, and I wouldn't care if I got soaked. I could always change after a nice hot shower, then fall asleep to the sound of the storm.

I had never met anyone else who loved the rain as much as me; I wanted to find my own perfect storm so I could fall asleep to the thunder of his heart. I didn't think I'd find it, until I met him.

It was beautiful rainy day; I went out with a smile on my face.

There was a bench being protected from the rain under a little hut type thing. I took a seat so I could watch the storm. I also watched the people running around frantically, trying to get out of the rain. It was sad.

I just breathed the new clean air and observed; that's when I noticed him. He had a black umbrella and was walking mindlessly along the sidewalk. I smiled as I noticed him, he was very good looking with dark hair and dark eyes; he was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.

I went back to my observing until someone set right next to me. It was him, obviously.

I glanced at him and smiled. He looked taken aback and said, "Hi there."

I caught an accent and my heart clenched a little. His hair was in tufts up close. He smiled and I said, "Hi."

Then he said, "What's your name?"

"It's Y/N. What about you?"

"I'm Calum."

I nod with a smile, "Where are you from?"

"Oh," he chuckles. "I'm from Australia."

My eyes widen with interest, "Really? That's actually really cool. I've always wanted to go there."

"You have?," he asks with as much interest as me. "Have you been anywhere out the country?"

"No, I haven't even been out of state since I was a baby," I muttered awkwardly.

He sighs, "Well that's too bad. Have you wanted to travel?"

I shrug, "Yeah, I've always wanted see something new. I've seen the same old thing my whole life. Then again, you're new, because I've not seen you before."

He agrees with me, nodding his head, "Is that why you're out in the rain?"

I smile, "The rain is beautiful to me. What about you?"

"I don't know," he says softly. "There's something about the rain that makes me feel like I've opened my eyes. I see so many things in the world and usually it seems bland, but when it rains," he shrugs as he trails off. "It washes the blandness away and everything feels new."

"I know what you mean," I say. "Whenever I go out in the rain, my blandness is washed away and I feel new."

After that day, Calum wanted to hangout with me more and to say I was surprised was an understatement. We talked to each other about almost anything so we could learn more. I was so interested in him as a person as I got to know him.

I learned that he had such a big heart, because of how much he loves his parents and sister. I loved that he was so caring.

A few months or so of knowing him, I developed a crush on him just because the way he is. Sometimes he hides his feelings to protect himself, but recently I noticed that he's been more happy. I was lucky to have become good friends with him. To know Calum Hood was a privilege to me, but I wouldn't tell him that.

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