Wish You Were Here Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Jeremy," Jennifer began softly. "I just wanted to say: that I miss you... and I wish you were here." Tears began forming in Jennifer's eyes, and Justin knelt down to rub her back reassuringly.

Jennifer took Justin's hand and cupped it in both of hers. "Justin helps me get through the days without you. He helps me." She said quietly, and leaned down, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Justin scooted closer to Jennifer and wrapped an arm around her in a comforting embrace.

"He's helping me stop... well... you know..." she held her wrist out to show the scars, several shades lighter than her actual skin color. She then blushed a deep red, and small salty tears started falling from her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Jeremy. It's so hard without you here. But I'm getting better, I promise. I'm getting better."

Jennifer leaned against Justin's shoulder and let the rest of the tears fall from her eyes. Justin started petting her hair, for her hat had fallen off and was resting in front of them. He whispered soothing words to her, and suddenly there was a large gust of wind, blowing away any leaves that have fallen from the nearby trees. Jennifer's hair flew into her face as she wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks.

Jennifer closed her eyes as the fresh breeze swept through her hair and face. She could almost feel Jeremy's fingers stroking her face, touching her lips, brushing her hair out of her face, she could almost taste his lips, the way they always tasted like watermelon flavored Big League Chew bubble gum.

Jennifer giggled, then leaned back against Justin, just as Scooter and Maribelle joined them again.

"'Sup, Campbell?" Maribelle said, as if it they were back in the school halls, rather than a cemetary. "Did Jen tell you how she kicked the shit out of Anna?"

Another gust of wind went through them, and Jennifer laughed again. Maribelle proceeded to give a play by play of the indirect argument that went down between her and Anna, followed by Jennifer hitting Anna repeatedly.

"I didn't mean to keep hitting her," Jennifer said apologetically. "I just... couldn't stop." She hung her head in embarrassment, and Justin soothingly rubbed her back again.

"Oh, she'll be fine," Maribelle said dismissively. "She had it coming to her anyway. Don't know who she thought she was, insulting my best friend."

Maribelle gave Jennifer a hug, and the two girls giggled.

"Maribelle and Scoot are helping me too." Jennifer explained, as a gust of wind swept through them all in incrimants, as if nature were laughing along with them. "They're helping me get through the days."

"Yes, we do. And we're helping you get over your purging again too." Maribelle said.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind nearly knocked them all over. It didn't stop until after a few minutes.

"I'm sorry!" Jennifer cried, and buried her face in Justin's shirt. Justin gave her a soothing rub on her back, trying to coax her out of her shell again.

"It's okay, Jen. Nobody's mad at you." Justin whispered soothingly.

The four of them stayed at the cemetary for another hour, and then decided to leave. As they were walking away, Jennifer caught sight of two figures heading in the direction they were leaving.

"Mrs. Campbell!" Jennifer cried, and ran over to the couple. "Mrs. Campbell!"

Mrs. Campbell turned in the direction of Jennifer, and immediately smiled sadly. Jennifer ran over to Mrs. Campbell and engrossed her in a hug.

Mrs. Campbell cupped Jennifer's face in her hands, admiring Jennifer's features. "How are you doing, sweetheart?"

Jennifer took Mrs. Campbell's hands, and folded them in hers. "I'm getting better." She said quietly.

Mrs. Campbell smiled and gave Jennifer's hands a tight squeeze. "I saw you on the award show, dancing. You looked so glamorous." She said, and laughed when Jennifer blushed.

"Thank you," Jennifer said, "how are you doing?"

Mrs. Campbell's face fell slightly. "I'm getting better too. I've finally begun to accept it." She said, and Jennifer nodded.

"Me too." Jennifer whispered.

"Well, I won't take up too much of your time then. I can see they're waiting for you." She said, and gave Jennifer another bear hug.

"All right, I'll keep in touch." Jennifer said, and shook Mr. Campbell's hand. "See you later, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell." With that, she ran back to the group, where Justin gently wrapped an arm around Jennifer's waist, guiding her by the small of her back.

The rest of the day was spent in a solemn mood, everyone was busy reminiscing over Jeremy, retelling stories and consolidating each other.

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